Toshinori Yagi x Reader: Hopeless Romantic

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Oof I haven't written a oneshot on him in a while so here we go! I also recommend watching the My Hero Academia movie if you want more All Might goodness! Fluffiness and flirting ahead, enjoy!

Toshinori Yagi was a shy man at heart. Despite once being the top hero in the entire world he was so weak when it came to romance. It was incredibly easy to make him blush, even just brushing his hand with yours would make his face flush bright red. 

It was so cute, it was one of the things that made you fall for him. The two of you had grown comfortable with each other, since you had known each other for years, and your relationship was pretty domestic. It was nice but you thought that something was missing.

You couldn't even remember the last time the two of you went on a romantic date. This troubled you because you didn't want to fall into a rut with your relationship, you wanted to make sure that your relationship kept evolving.

So, the first thing you did in the morning was roll over to Toshinori's side of the bed and gently shake him awake. He mumbled something and opened his dark eye groggily. "G'morning sunshine." You whispered in his ear. "I want to tell you something."

He hummed.  "What is it, love?"

You smiled at him and took his large hand in yours. Even though he couldn't be in his All Might form anymore, that didn't mean that he had shrunk completely. He had only lost muscle mass. "I want to take you on a date today since neither of us has other plans. Let's have a nice meal together and get lost in the city just like when we started dating. How does that sound?"

Toshinori's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled widely from ear to ear. "That sounds great y/n! What gave you that idea?"

You kissed his calloused knuckles and closed your eyes for a moment. "Nothing. Just wanted to spice things up a little bit." When you opened your eyes Toshinori had a strange expression on his face. It almost looked like guilt.

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense. I'm sorry I didn't think of this sooner."

You laughed and sat up slowly, your hand going to his face to caress his soft but bony cheek. "It's alright, we've both been kind of stuck in the same routine every day. With your teaching at U.A. and training Midoriya, and my job at the hero agency...we've both been so busy we haven't had that much time for each other."

"I agree." He replied with a smile. "Oh! I have an idea to spice up our date even more!"

Your mind immediately went into the gutter, but you assumed that's not what he was thinking about. "I'd love to hear it."


After going to run some errands you went home and got ready for your date. The plan was to meet Toshinori at the restaurant because he had a special idea about tonight.

Y/n! What if we pretend we don't know each other, to really make it like how our first date kind of was? Won't that be fun?

"Oh Toshi, you really are a hopeless romantic." You muttered to yourself as you put on your nicest shoes and walked out the door. The restaurant was up on a hill overlooking the city, and at night time it was one of the best places to go for a date. It took a while to drive there, but you managed to make it in time somehow.

You walked inside and sat at the bar, admiring how nice everything looked. Huge windows allowed people to enjoy the view from wherever they were seated and the dim lighting from the candles and chandelier set the mood. You ordered a drink and rested your chin on your hand.

"Is your name y/n?" The bartender asked and you nodded. "That gentleman over there just paid for your drink. He said you have a beautiful smile too."

"W-What?" Your eyes went to where the bartender motioned and you saw Toshinori waving at you from across the long golden bar counter. He smiled at you and your heart did double flips in your chest.

The bartender gave you your drink and you sipped on it slowly, occasionally making eye contact with your blonde lover.

He started to walk over to you in no time and sat right next to you, resting his hands on the counter. " you come here often?" You stifled in a laugh and put your hand over your mouth. He managed to keep a straight face though. Pro heroes were pretty good actors after all.

Once you had calmed down a bit you replied, "Actually I'm waiting for someone, he's not here yet. He's kept me waiting quite a while." You said with a pout.

"Oh, that's just not right. Someone as beautiful as you should never be kept waiting." He said, his hand reaching over to hold your own. The warmth of his familiar touch nearly sent you reeling with elation. "What if I kept you company?"

You smiled at him. "Sure, I don't mind." The two of you talked to each other for a while at the bar before ordering more drinks and going to sit down at a table to order food. You had to admit that Toshinori was really good at this little game, it was like it came naturally to him.

You took a slow sip of your red wine and looked over at Toshinori who was eating. "You've definitely been good company Toshinori. Whoever gets to come home to you at the end of the day is a very lucky person, you're so special."

In an instant, Toshinori lost his composure and a red blush spread throughout his face. It even reached the tips of his ears. "A-Ah, w-well," He began to say, pushing through his stuttering,  "that's very kind of you to say y/n. You're really special too, I can't believe your other date stood you up!"

You laughed and sipped some more wine. "You're much better than them anyway so it doesn't really matter." You said and he nodded. "Hey, do you want to get out of here? Go to my place?"

Toshinori stopped eating and looked at you with a goofy smile on his face. You raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response. He finally seemed a little flustered, which you loved to see. "Of course I'd like to go with you. T-That sounds wonderful y/n."

"Then let's go."


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