Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Choices

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Another very old request here so I'm sorry for the wait. For this oneshot the reader will be kind of in the middle of a love triangle with Todoroki and Bakugou, but the title gives away who wins in the end lol. Also I have received some questions for my Q & A chapter in my inbox, but you can always put them in the comment section of the recent Iida oneshot or this oneshot. Enjoy!

Todoroki was not used to feeling like this. He was not used to the fact that every time he saw you his stomach did somersaults and his heart nearly skipped a beat. Whenever he was bored in class he would find himself stealing glances at you, noticing little things about you. The way your hair fell, how often you took notes, the slight crinkle you got between your eyebrows when there was something you didn't understand...he noticed it all.

But someone else was noticing you too. 

Bakugou was a lot less harsh towards you which was quite unusual for someone like him plus he thought you were a pretty admirable fighter. You were quick on your feet and you were a good decision maker. Bakugou had been lucky enough to be paired with you for some training exercises and he saw first-hand how capable you were. Despite his fiery temper and social awkwardness, he vowed to at least try to confess to you at some point. He really didn't have a plan.

But today might have been Bakugou's lucky day! Class 1-A was on their way to the USJ training grounds to do some team-up missions.

"Choose your partner wisely, you won't be able to change your mind on who you work with in a real battle." Aizawa had warned all of you on the bus ride there. "Got that?"


Thanks to Iida you all filed out of the bus neatly and proceeded to get into pairs. Everyone seemed to already have someone in mind so you were kind of lost. Until a loud voice boomed, "Oi y/n! Team up with me dammit!" 

Bakugou strode over to you, his crimson eyes blown wide with a wild rage as he asked you to be his partner. It didn't seem like he was really asking you to team up he was more demanding that you team up.

"Really you want me? But what about Kirishima?" you asked. Certainly Kirishima, Bakugou's best friend, would be a more suitable partner for an exercise like this right?

"He's already with dunce face Kaminari! What's the problem y/n, you don't wanna team up or what?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"It's not that...I was just wondering why me?" you said, a small smile gracing your lips. "My quirk isn't really--"

"You're fine y/n. Stop spouting stupid shit and just follow me. We're gonna be the number one team here and kick everyone's asses! Got that!" Bakugou said with such confidence that you couldn't help but smile at him. But before you could respond, Todoroki walked over to you two, a slight frown forming on his lips when he looked at Bakugou.

"You could team up with me y/n if this guy is too hot-headed for you. We would make an excellent team too." Todoroki stated, completely ignoring the look of pure rage Bakugou was giving him. "How does that sound? Oh and Bakugou, this is called giving y/n a choice. Maybe you should learn how to do that."

"You shitty bastard!" Bakugou spat. "Y/n was fine with teaming up with me so go screw off and team up with someone else!" Bakugou instinctively put himself in front of you so that he was the one standing in front of Todoroki.

"H-Hey guys it's alright...I can team up with someone else if this is going to cause a fight." you said. Todoroki and Bakugou were both seemingly ignoring you as they glared each other down.

"What is wrong with you Bakugou? I'm just simply here to give y/n a choice, you don't have to get so defensive." Todoroki said.

"I'm not but I can see right through what you're doing and you're trying to keep me away from y/n, aren't you. Asshole!"

"Well so what if I am? I don't think you deserve to be around her so much anyway." Todoroki replied coldly. As soon as those words left Todoroki's mouth Bakugou clenched his teeth and yanked hard on Todoroki's collar.

"You're gonna regret ever saying that you BASTARD!!"

"Both of you stop it please!" you shouted, making the two of them freeze in their tracks. Bakugou released his grip on Todoroki's shirt while Todoroki looked at you with worried eyes. Aizawa came up behind you, his annoyance evident on his face.

"I think it's time for the two of you to come with me."


A few days had passed since the incident with the two boys but you were still a bit rattled by what had happened. Aizawa didn't let them participate in the training and the rumor was that he had given them both a lecture when you all got back to U.A. High.

Of course your mind was whirring with the reason they had gotten into a fight in the first place.

"It seems like they both have fallen hard for you y/n!" Is how Ashido put it, and you knew she was probably right. But you didn't know what the next step should be because you had never been in this situation before. Training to be a hero made your life complicated as is and now there was this.

But deep down you knew who you really had feelings for. All year you had watched him grow from someone who was pretty ruthless and wasn't here to make friends into someone who had empathy (sometimes). In his own aggressive way, he inspired you to be better even if it was just a little thing that could be improved.

But you first had to clear things up with the other boy.

"Hey Todoroki can I talk to you for a minute?" you asked the aloof boy during lunch. His mismatched eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal.



Todoroki listened to what you had to say and he seemed to take the rejection well. Or at least that's what you hoped. Classes flew by until it was the end of the day. You were packing up your things when Bakugou strode over to your desk.

"Oi y/n, where the hell... are you going?" Bakugou asked you, before realizing that the answer to his question was obvious. It was the end of the day so you were going home.

"I'm going home. Do you wanna walk with me?" you asked him with a smile. His eyebrows furrowed together like he was surprised by your answer and with a huff he got up from his seat. He started walking away but before he walked out the door he stopped, peering over his shoulder at you in confusion.

"Well...are we going or not?" he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. A light blush painted his cheeks when you walked closer to him. You beamed at him, and started following him down the hallway. The both of you were oblivious to the pair of heterochromatic eyes that watched you two leave the school grounds together.

"Damn that Bakugou."


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