Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Training (Part 2)

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A part 2 to the other Bakugou oneshot I wrote was requested so here it is! It takes place like right after the 1st part (because it was easier to write). Be warned for Bakugou language lol. Enjoy!

You sighed as you walked home, thinking about different strategies for fighting with your water quirk. Technically you should be able to cancel out fire quirks and make them useless and unusable. But for some reason, when you fought Bakugou your water attacks didn't work as well as they usually did.

Maybe his explosions are hotter than regular fire? Or is it just his extreme tenacity that gets me every time?

You thought about this question the entire time you walked home, and you were still thinking about it late into the night.


"Wow, you look like shit y/n." Bakugou eloquently stated when you walked into class the next morning.

"Piss off, I'm really tired and I don't feel like dealing with your shitty ass attitude today!" you said through gritted teeth and you plopped down in your seat in front of Bakugou.

You could almost feel the rage seething from Bakugou but you kept facing forward. You were pissed off at him for beating you in your sparring match, and you were mad that you had stayed up all night thinking about him. You wondered if he thought of you after the match. Maybe he thought you were strong too.

Ugh, that doesn't matter now. I just want the day to be over so I can sleep!

Homeroom started with a pop quiz on hero laws, but thankfully you had recently skimmed a few books on the most important laws so you probably passed with an average score. The class time flew by and before you knew it, you were seated in the cafeteria eating lunch with Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida.

"For a pop quiz, there sure were a lot of questions!" Uraraka complained as she ate her noodles with vigor and slight anger.

"I know right! Pop quizzes are supposed to be short and to the point." you added, not as angrily as Uraraka.

Midoriya and Uraraka chuckled, while Iida took it upon himself to explain the history of where quizzes came from.

You were half-listening when suddenly a hand slammed down dangerously close to your unfinished lunch. You looked up and your eyes met intense crimson ones.

"Hi Bakugou wha--"

"Come here I need to say some shit to you." he interrupted you as he roughly nudged your arm with his elbow.

"Hang on guys this won't take long..." you said to your friends who were looking at you with slight concern. You got up quickly and follwed Bakugou out of the cafeteria.

Bakugou led you to an empty hallway and he finally stopped in his tracks. "Oi shitty y/n, what the hell was that this morning? Are you mad at me or something?" he asked, a quiet anger slowly seeping into his rough voice.

"What do you mean?" you asked him knowing full well what he was talking about though.

"You know what I mean! You yelled at me this morning so what the hell is your problem dammit?!" he asked, clenching his fists at his sides and furrowing his brow. He looked genuinely upset with you, which surprised you. Who knew he could be so sensitve about these things?

You instantly started to feel guilty for just yelling at him without explaining yourself first. You thought about what to say for a moment before just decided to say whatever came to your mind.

"I'm sorry Bakugou. I was just really angry with myself mostly...well...because our sparring match was really fun but it was also really frustrating. My quirk didn't work like I wanted it to and then Recovery Girl lectured me which was embarrassing as hell." you blurted out. Words came tumbling out of your mouth and you felt like you couldn't even control it.

"I don't know...I mean I got accepted into U.A. so that must mean I'm kind of strong right? But I don't feel strong! I just feel like I'm staying the same and my quirk is staying the same but everyone else is improving so much. I've just...stagnated." you said as tears started to form in your eyes and roll down you cheeks.

You reached up to wipe them away before you felt calloused hands wipe them away for you.

You choked back a sob as Bakugou wiped away your tears. His face had lost all of its anger and was replaced with mild concern. His crimson eyes bore into yours as the last of your tears were wiped away. His hands carressed your face as gently as they could,before he stuffed them into his pockets.

"Y/n you...you got a hit on me so doesn't that count for something?" he asked you, his hoarse voice quieter than you had ever heard it before.

"It was just one hit! Only one!!" you screamed the tears threatening to spill out again.

"Y/N!! You can deny it all you want, but I think you're fuckin' strong alright!" he yelled back his hands shooting out of his pockets to shake you by your shoulders.

It was such a cartoonish moment that you felt the tears subside and you couldn't help but start laughing as he shook you back and forth.

"Bakugou...pfft...s-stop shaking m-me." you said growning dizzier and dizzier from his rough shaking. He immediately let you go and awkwardly placed his hands at his sides. You kept on laughing softly while he stared at you intensely.

"What the hell's so funny!? You were literally just crying!" he exclaimed as your soft laughter turned stronger and louder. You grinned at him and you laughing subsided for now.

"You just have a really funny way of trying to cheer me up Bakugou." you replied, "I should get back to the cafeteria now but...thank you." His crimson eyes widened and he looked away from you, a fiery blush erupting on his face. You chuckled softly and started walking away.

Suddenly you felt Bakugou's hand roughly grab your wrist and his other hand turned your face towards his. You yelped in surprise when his slightly chapped lips crashed against yours.

He cupped your cheek and you pressed your body up against his reflexively. He felt impossibly warm and smelled like ash, which was surprisingly pleasant. He broke the kiss only to turn his head slightly, connect with your lips once again, and deepen the passionate kiss even more.

He gently nipped at your lower lip and you moaned quietly. You felt his breath tickle your face as he pulled away, a slight smirk etched on his face.

"Oi y/n, you better feel good now." he told you gruffly as you leaned your arms on his broad shoulders. You were breathless and shocked but also immensely happy at how things turned out today.

"Yeah, I definitely feel better now Bakugou."

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