Kirishima Eijiro x Reader: Awestruck

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Kirishima was requested and oh boy I love him so much!! For this oneshot the reader will have a shapeshifting quirk, but they have a 15 minute time limit and shapeshifting into people is harder for them. The first section is from the POV of Kirishima, so I hope it's good. Enjoy!

"Kirishima! Did you hear the news??" Ashido asked Kirishima as she bounced up and down excitedly. Kirishima's mind raced. Did he forget about a test? Is today a half day? Did he fail another exam, but this time his grades were posted everywhere for everyone to see??

" I haven't heard anything--"

"We are getting a transfer student!! Their going to be in our class for a whole three months!" Ashido exclaimed. "Isn't that cool?"

Kirishima sighed in relief at the news. "Ha, yeah that is cool! Where are they from?"

" They're from...AMERICA!" Mineta screamed in delight. Kirishima looked over Mineta who was rubbing his tiny hands together like he was hatching an evil plot. "A naive American transfer's like something out of a pervy manga." Mineta said to himself.

"Stop it Mineta." Kirishima deadpanned, but Mineta kept on grinning to himself. as he walked back to his seat. Kirishima rolled his eyes before turning around to face forward in his seat. A transfer student huh...I wonder if they're super strong? Kirishima thought as he waited for class to start.

After a few minutes Aizawa walked in and class started like normal with Iida doing roll call. After that Aizawa spoke up.

"Some of you might have already heard that we are indeed getting a transfer student for our class. They are going to be here for five months, so treat them with respect and show them what it means to be a U.A. student." Aizawa said, his dark eyes looking out over class 1-A.

"Yes sir!" the students responded loudly. 

"Alright y/n, come in." Aizawa said as he opened the classroom door. Kirishima leaned forward in his seat trying to catch a glimpse of the new student over Kaminari's yellow hair.  

They walked in, and smiled a smile so bright, Kirishima could feel his eyes burn and his heart skipped a beat. Their h/c hair shimmered in the sunlight that filtered through the classroom windows, and their eyes sparkled beautifully.

Kirishima gaped at them as they bowed to the class politely. "Hello everyone my name is y/n, and I'm so happy to be here! Thank you for having me."

Wow...a whole five months huh? This'll be fun!


4 weeks later (POV change)

"Kirishima check this out!" you shouted to the red-head as you stood up and activated your quirk. You concentrated, and visualized who you wanted to be. Kirishima watched you, in awe of you quirk ability. He hadn't expected that you would be a shapeshifter of all things, but he wasn't complaining. After all, it was a really cool quirk.

You breathed in and out in small huffs, and finally you transformed. "I AM HERE!" you bellowed, as you shifted into All Might. Kirishima nearly spit out the juice he was drinking, as he looked at what you had turned into.

If no one knew about your quirk, they would have thought that you were actually All Might in the flesh. "FEAR NOT CITIZEN, FOR I AM HERE!" you shouted one last time, before your All Might form slowly disintegrated until you were completely back to normal.

"Y/n, that was great! You looked super manly as All Might!" Kirishima exclaimed as you sat back down, in the seat across from him. "But maybe just...don't turn into him in the middle of the cafeteria..."

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