Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Sick

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Another request for Bakuboy and if any of you are sick right now (like me yaaay) then this will be very relatable. Enjoy!

Class 1-A was unusually quiet today, making you suddenly question everything. Did something happen and you didn't know about it? Was there another villain attack? Why was there no cursing and yelling this morning?

Wait...cursing. Bakugou! He's not here yet, you thought as soon as your eyes landed on his empty seat. How strange. He had the best attendence in class right up there with Iida.

You walked over to Midoriya and Uraraka who were talking quietly. "Hey do you guys know where Bakugou is?" You asked.

Uraraka shook her head, but Midoriya nodded his head quickly. "I saw his mom walking around today. She said he's sick. Sounded like he has the flu to me."

"Damn that sucks." You said, pursing your lips together. "Well I'll go see him after school. Maybe I can help somehow."

Midoriya looked frightened by that idea, but you paid no mind to him. With you Bakugou was all bark and no bite and since he's sick he'll be even weaker. "Or maybe I won't help him. I'll just annoy him on purpose."

Midoriya waved his hands around nervously saying the you shouldn't "poke the bear." But you just laughed it off and decided to poke the bear and more.


Bakugou had told you once where he lived, but you rarely listened to him when he talked about boring things so you tried to remember the general area of where he said he lived. He should be pretty close to Midoriya since they went to the same middle school, and you remember Kirishima saying that his house had a bunch of balconies. It was the "biggest house on the block!!" that's what Kirishima had claimed.

You doubted him but as you approached a large house with giant glass windows and multiple balconies, you suddenly felt incredibly intimidated.

I didn't know Bakugou was filthy rich!! What the hell...do the windows have to be that big? 

You timidly approached the large front gate, your eyes landing on a sleek buzzer which you pressed with caution. It beeped once and the you heard Bakugou's low voice ask, "Who is it and what the shit do you want?"

You pressed the buzzer and said, "It's me. I wanted to see if you're ok...also I have your homework that you need to finish."

"I don't need your damn help!" Bakugou shouted before his voice gave out and he coughed into speaker violently. Just when you thought he was done, you heard him sneeze.

Damn dude, at least take your hand off the speaker so I don't have to listen to it, you thought rolling your eyes. There was a faint beep though and the gate opened automatically. He decided that he did want your help after all.

You breathed in and walked down the walkway to the front door. You could hear Bakugou's struggled coughs coming from inside which sounded really bad. You almost felt bad for him actually which surprised you. The door opened, and your eyes took in his slouched form.

His half-lidded red eyes were bloodshot, his nose was extremely red and it didn't help that he kept rubbing it roughly. Even his spiky hair looked flatter than usual.

"Wow...you look good." you said, giving him your best grin. Without warning he coughed directly in your face, which caused you to step back and curse loudly. "Ew what the shit Bakugou!?"

"Woops...shit. Sorry y/n, my bad." He said, his raspy voice giving away his utter joy at getting you back for your sarcasm. "Gimme my homework."

"No I want something to drink first." You said, clutching the slim folder with his homework tighter just in case he tried to snatch it from you. "I'm your guest and I've decided to take care of you, so I need refreshments!"

"Ugh fine! But then you have to leave! I don't need you to take care of me!" Bakugou yelled despite his ragged breathing and violent sniffling. You nodded, even though you were fully aware that you were going to end up taking care of him. "There's water in the fridge." Bakugou continued, pointing towards the huge kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen and gasped. The appliances were so modern and sleek compared to what was at your house! The giant living room also blended into the kitchen so it was just one huge room. "Jeez Bakugou...I'm starting to figure out why you're so entitled." you said, walking over to the fridge and helping yourself to some bottled water.

"What the fuc--ACHOOOO!! SHIT!" Bakugou roared through his sudden sneeze. You sipped your water and raised an eyebrow.

"It's time to lie down."


"If you don't lie your funky ass down right now I won't give you your homework and your class rank will fall! LIE DOWN!" you yelled, trying to emulate how your parents yelled at you. Bakugou's red eyes widened as his frown intensified, but he didn't dare retort.

Without saying anything he shuffled upstairs and you guessed that was where his room was. You followed him close behind, eyeing the nice furniture. Bakugou walked into a plain looking room and slammed the door behind him. "Do you want something to eat?" you asked through the door.

"No! I don't want you coming in here!!"

"Why not?"

There was a momentary silence before Bakugou broke it, his voice coming out much quieter than usual. "I've never had someone in my room before..."

You stifled a giggle at his new timidness, but decided not to push him. "I'll just make you something and leave it by the door then. Then I won't have to come in. Deal?"


With that you walked downstairs and looked in the fridge and cupboards for the ingredients you needed. Soup was always what you had when you were sick, so you decided to make Bakugou the classic chicken noodle soup! But he didn't have chicken...so you made turkey soup instead.

It took you a while to find the utensils and bowls so when you finally did you hurried upstairs to Bakugou's room. "It's ready I'll leave it out here..."

Silence. Not even a grunt!

It would be a shame if this soup went cold. I'll just go in quietly, you thought as you opened the door as carefully as you could without dropping the soup.

Bakugou's lights were off but the room wasn't that dark because of a huge window near his bed. You walked over to his nightstand and set the bowl down, your eyes traveling to the Bakugou's form on the bed.

He was fast asleep and there was no trace of his usual scowl on his face. In fact he looked quite peaceful. His breathing was even so he must have just entered deep sleep. Your eyes stared at him for longer than you would have liked to admit.

Without thinking you leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead, your lips brushing up against his blonde bangs slightly. He breathed out and you pulled away quickly.

"Thanks..." You heard him mumble, and you wondered if he was thanking you for the soup or for the kiss. Either way you just whispered 'you're welcome' and left his room as quickly as possible.

Your mind swirled with thoughts as you paced outside of his room. But your main thought was that Bakugou should get sick more often...it definitely had its perks.

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