Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader: School Tour

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I decided to try writing about one of the girls this time since there isn't a lot of content on them and they are all great characters! I love Momo's quirk so I thought I'd write about her first. This is nothing serious lol just fluff. Enjoy!

"Today we will be taking a trip out of town students! We will be touring U.A. High to see what the best hero course in the world has to offer!" your teacher excitedly exclaimed one Monday morning. "For all of you who want to work behind the scenes in hero support, this should be a great learning experience. Today you will get to see what heroes have to go through every day which will hopefully give you some ideas on how to help them."

You perked up, excited that today was going to be a relaxing tour of a world-renowned school.

You and your class piled into the bus and embarked on the 2-hour journey to U.A. High. You fished your favorite book out of your backpack and tried to read over the noise on the bus.

I hope I get to see what kind of costumes the U.A. kids get to wear! 

There was a hero course at your school but they barely provided training grounds let alone top of the line costumes and an all-out sports festival!

But the fact that your school's hero course was subpar didn't really matter to you since your passion was in building costumes and updating them to suit all types of quirks.

The time seemed to fly by and before you knew it you and your class were approaching the huge gate called the U.A. Barrier. Behind it, you could clearly see the huge H-shaped glass building that you remember seeing on tv 

"H-holy crap this is insane! U.A.'s on a totally different level!" someone in your class remarked loudly and you couldn't help but agree. You knew that U.A. would be impressive but this blew your expectations out of the water. 

"Now students make sure you have your visitors pass because if you don't the barrier will close and the school's state of the art alarm system will be alerted!" your teacher said, oddly cheery about that fact.

You fumbled around for your pass and walked with your class under the giant U.A. Barrier.

"The class representatives from class 1-A in the hero course will be giving us the general tour, and then you'll be free to tour around by yourselves!" your teacher explained as you all walked.

Wow... two people from the next generation of pro heroes will be giving us a personal tour!! So cool!

Once you and your class got to the front door you were immediately greeted by two students. One was a tall boy with dark blue hair and glasses and the other was a girl with black hair that was tied up in an elegant ponytail. Her piercing stormy eyes were also stunning to look at.

You gaped at how striking she was and she glanced over at you. You gasped, surprised at the sudden eye contact, and turned your head away quickly. She did the same except she was blushing quite a bit. You had definitely been caught staring.

Oh man, I've barely been here a few minutes and now I've embarrassed myself in front of a beautiful girl! Aaaaahhh a beautiful girl who's going to be a hero!! Damn it...

"Hello, my name is Tenya Iida class 1-A's president and this is my vice president Momo Yaoyorozu. Welcome to our school!" the boy said as he bowed to your class.

Wow, he seems like an elite student!

The tour consisted mostly of walking around inside of U.A. and exploring its massive hallways. But you also toured Ground Gamma, Gym Gamma, the Sports Stadium, and the hero support labs all of which highly impressed you.

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