Tenya Iida x Reader: Be Mine

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This is an old Iida request that took a while for me to write so I apologize. I changed a little bit with this so bear with me. Also, I wanted to do sort of an author's Q & A chapter, so if you have any questions about me or my writing process just leave a comment below and I'll compile the questions into a short chapter ^_^ Enjoy!

"Coming through y/n! Look out and stay sharp, you do not want to be late after all!" Iida shouted at you, running past at full speed so he could get to class early. He ran by so fast that you didn't even get to respond to him but you were sure that he could probably hear your loud heartbeat from where he was.

Damn him! Why do I have to have a crush on him...he's not even in my class either!

Yes, unfortunately you had been placed in Class 1-B...or maybe it had been fortunate for you because at least it provided a buffer for you and Iida. That way you didn't have to embarrass yourself everyday with your obvious crush on him.

And yes it was obvious. To everyone. But you had to give Aoyama credit, because he was the first one that noticed it, and he promptly spread that fact around the whole first year class. Well, to everyone except Iida.

As you walked into class the only thought in your mind was the fact that Valentine's day was coming up in a few days, and you were weighing your options.

Tell Iida how I feel with a heartfelt gift...or should I keep my feelings to myself...tell Iida...keep it to myself...tell Iida--

"Hellooo y/n? Are you in there?" Kendo asked you, pulling you from your decision making ideas. She placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you immediately stopped walking towards the 1-B classroom. "Oh, I get it. You're thinking about him aren't you?" Her big blue eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled at you, knowing full well that she was right.

"W-Well it's just that Valentine's day is soon s-so I thought that maybe that would be a perfect time to...to tell him how I feel." you explained, a fiery blush creeping onto your cheeks. "I just don't know what I'm going to do for a gift."

"Well, Iida's a gentlemen...kind of traditional right?"

"I-I suppose he is...why?"

"Well a traditional gift would probably go over well. Like heart shaped cookies or something. Just a thought." Kendo said, shrugging her shoulders. "Let's go to class y/n. You'll figure it out soon enough."

"Thanks." you replied, walking into class to start the day.

Heart shaped cookies, what a wonderful idea!


Valentine's Day

Your plan was foolproof! You were going to arrive to U.A. really early so that way you could give Iida his gift without the embarrassment of having other people watching you two. The cookies you had made Iida weren't perfect but they were still kind of cute. You had decorated them with red and white frosting, but you weren't a professional so the designs were kind of messy.

"Don't worry y/n...they're cute." you mumbled to yourself, your stomach churning with nervousness. This was your first confession and with someone as serious as Iida, you knew it could go any number of ways. You both were aspiring heroes and perhaps romance wasn't a good idea.

But you had to try and be honest with him. Once he knew your true feelings you two could figure out what to do.

"Hi there y/n! You're here early, is everything alright?"

Iida's loud voice made you instinctively smile at him and shake your head. "No I'm fine...h-happy Valentine's day Iida."

"Oh! Thank you y/n. I actually have a card for you, here you go." he said, reaching into his backpack and handing you a crisp envelope. You stared at it with wide eyes, almost afraid to open it.

"Thank you Iida." you said. A blush crept onto your cheeks and you looked away from him quickly. 

 "I'm going to distribute all of these cards to class 1-A and 1-B before school, do you want to help me?"

"Sure...but I actually have a gift of my own to give you." you replied, your voice wavering slightly. "C-Can I give it to you now?"

"Wow thank you y/n. If I knew you were going to give me a gift I would have returned the favor." he said with a small smile. 

You placed your backpack on the ground and took out the small bag of cookies with a simple note attached. You had written a question on the note: Do you want to go on a date with me Iida?

Here goes nothing!

Iida took the bag of cookies and quickly glanced at the note. His blue eyes widened for a moment before his cheeks turned a deep shade of scarlet and he cleared his throat loudly.

"Y/n...oh no. I should have known!" Iida shouted, making you raise an eyebrow. He was usually so collected so why...

"What do you mean Iida?"

"I-I just should have known that Valentine's day is the perfect day to confess your feelings for someone a-and I made you make the first move y/n! I should have taken the initiative and I'm tremendously sorry for not doing that! Please forgive me!" Iida exclaimed as he placed his arms at his sides and bowed down.

There was a good moment of silence where you just stood there in shock before you finally composed yourself to mutter a simple statement. "So does that mean you wanted to confess to me first? I-Is that right?"

"Yes! It's my responsibility as...as a man."

"You said that last part kind of quietly Iida. I-I hope it's alright that I took the initiative first...I just wanted to be open and honest with you. To be honest it feels so uplifting to get my feelings out in the open like this, so I hope you can still accept my d-date request. If you want to of course!" you said. "I really do like you Iida, that's why I was ready to tell you how I feel."

"Of course it's alright that you confessed first y/n. I-I can make it up to you...on our date." he replied, putting his hand on your shoulder. His touch was firm but gentle and you gazed up at him with wide eyes.


"Uh...umm we should distribute the other cards now y/n!" Iida stammered, averting his gaze. You agreed and with that you two went inside U.A. High.

Iida timidly kissed the back of your hand before class started and you swore that you were going to have a permanent blush on your face thanks to him. But you knew deep down that you had made the right choice being honest with him, and you were excited to see where this new relationship would lead.  

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