Sero Hanta x Mute!Reader: Firsts

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Ok so I only have experience with blind relatives of mine, none are please tell me if something is inaccurate in this request piece. I researched as much as I could but the internet can sometimes mess me up lol. Enjoy! 

"I'd like to introduce you all to y/n l/n." Aizawa said in his usual monotone voice. You bowed your head forward slightly, before he continued. "They're a new transfer student from Shiketsu High, so be civil. Y/n, there's an empty seat next to Midoriya if you'd like to sit down...or you can write down a few words if you want."

You nodded quickly, placing your backpack on the floor. You pulled out a medium-sized dry erase board and a black marker and wrote down a few quick words.

Hello! It's nice to meet you all. I can't talk but I can write really fast. I hope I'll be a good addition to your class!

You gave class 1-A a winning smile, and Midoriya raised his hand. Your eyes trailed over to the green-haired boy and he signed 'hello' to you. Your face grew warm because of his effort, but you quickly pointed to your ears.

"Ah! You can hear then?" Kaminari asked and you nodded with a smile. "Cool!"

"Welcome to our class y/n!" Iida and Yaoyorozu both said simultaneously and your smile just grew even wider. You went to sit down, not noticing a certain cheery boy's attention directed towards you.

Aizawa's class went by smoothly and you honestly hadn't expected a reclusive hero like him to be such an inspiring teacher! U.A. really was on another level!

You enjoyed the other classes to, especially Present Mic's English class because he seemed like he really tried hard and you appreciated that. You were also really glad that you all moved in a group, it just made the transition a lot easier. And your classmates were so nice!

A cheerful brown-haired girl, Uraraka, already wanted to trade numbers with you and the serious class president, Iida vowed to give you a tour of the entire school. Midoriya also talked to you a lot and he seemed very interested in what your quirk was. He even had a notebook and everything.

A real fanboy huh, you thought to yourself. The official school day was over though so you excused yourself because you wanted to explore the school alone. They waved goodbye and went on their way while you distracted yourself with the immense hallways of U.A. High. You were fine with getting a tour from Iida but there was something calming about being in a new place when you were alone.

"H-Hey y/n. How was the first day?" a quiet voice asked, prompting you to turn around. It was one of your classmates who had cool looking arms and straight black hair. You smiled, and took out your erase board from your backpack.

It was really fun and cool! You all are so great I hope I can live up to your standards!

"We don't have too many standards to be honest. I'm glad you transferred to our class though because we do have a bit of a reputation..."


"Yeah like with the whole USJ thing--" Sero started to say, and you waved your hands around wildly like Iida had done when he was talking to you. Quickly you erased your words on your board.

I heard about that on the news. It must've been so scary, but you all are really cool!!! That's why I was so intimidated by you guys.  

"Aw, jeez. We're not that cool," Sero said, rubbing the back of his neck, "actually no, we are kinda cool!"

You smiled, hiding your mouth behind your hand bashfully. Sero's black eyes gazed at you for a moment before he cracked a wide grin.

"Don't hide your smile y/n. It's beautiful."

His kind words rang through your ears like a lightning bolt, and your face erupted into an uncontrollable blush. Sero averted his eyes from you, still grinning widely but with a fiery red hue on his cheeks. You pressed a shaky marker to your board and wrote your feelings.


"I know, I know you must think I'm weird for j-just saying that..." Sero said, his voice trailing off. You erased your words hurriedly, and wrote down your reply.

No! You're awesome, I'm weird. I don't get compliments like that! Thank you

"Well, I don't think you're weird...well you might be...I don't know. I just know that I want to get to know you more. L-Let's be friends!" Sero said, his face growing even more red. You smiled at him, wiping your board with your shirt sleeve.

Sure! :) 


It might've been an awkward first meeting for you two, but it soon blossomed into a great and close friendship. Sero was a surprisingly good artist and he took it upon himself to draw silly things on your board when you weren't looking.

Today there was a picture of an extremely angry Bakugou who had been shrunk down into a little boy with a huge head. Tiny sparks shot out from his chubby hands and you tried to conceal your soft laughter at the image. Sero never failed to impress you!

You erased the drawing, not wanting Bakugou to see it, and wrote down your thanks to Sero. He peered over his shoulder and gave you a bright smile. Class started like normal and before you knew it it was already lunchtime. You took out your lunchbox from your backpack and stood up from your seat, deciding that you should eat lunch in the cafeteria.

"Hey y/n. Did you wanna walk together?" Sero asked you, as he got up from his desk and walked over to you. You nodded quickly, your eyes not failing to catch the way Kaminari, Kirishima, and Ashido snickered at Sero from their seats. Sero blushed darkly at their laughter, and you became more confused by the second. "L-Let's just go..." Sero said, and you nodded your head.

You carried your board in your arms and wrote down a few questions while you two walked to the cafeteria.

Why were they laughing? Is something wrong? 

"Huh? N-No nothing's wrong. It's just I told them something...because I trust them." Sero said, pulling at the collar of his uniform nervously. Your curiosity got the better of you and you wrote down some more questions.

Can you tell me? Is it an embarrassing story?

"It's not...I'm not embarrassed by it. It's just difficult because it has to do with us and I don't want things to change...but I also do."


"I love being friends y/n. You're amazing! But I need you to know that I have a crush on you...I have for a while a-and I just want to know...if you feel the same way?" Sero blurted out. "I-I want to be yours y/n! If y-you'll have me..."

Your eyes widened and your arms went slack, your board and marker dropped to the floor in a loud clatter. You moved your lips and your hands, completely taken off-guard. Sero leaned down and picked up your board and marker, handing them to you. You stilled your body before writing down some coherent but messy words.

I feel so dumb for not noticing and making things awkward for you! I like you though so...

You ran a hand through your hair, unsure of what else to write. Sero peered over you and read your board, his dark eyes glazing over. "Y/n..." he muttered before his lean arms wrapped around your waist firmly but with a soft tenderness that came with being new to something.

His slightly chapped lips found yours and his body became flush with yours for a short wonderful moment. You pulled away first for air, your mind reeling at what you two just did. Sero held you in his arms and you two just gazed at each other for what seemed like forever. "Y/n...I'll take that as a me being yours right?" he asked with a wink.

You smiled back at him, and nodded your head, getting lost in his beautiful black eyes. He grinned, kissing the top of your forehead quickly before reaching down to clutch your hand. 

"W-Well then...let's go have lunch!" he said cheerfully, as he began to lead you with his hand. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest, and for the first time in a long time you felt totally complete.  

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