Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Relax

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Bakugou was requested a while ago, for a sort of a comforting scenario. For this oneshot, Bakugou will already be a pro-hero (he'll be the number two in fact). Enjoy!

You checked your phone again before putting it down for good so you could focus on making your tea. The tea bag floated in the hot water that was in your cup and the steam hit your face like a humid cloud. You rubbed your tired eyes and yawned, walking out of the kitchen for a minute.

It had been such a long day at the design company you worked at, and all of your creativity had been all but drained out of you. Pro heroes were so picky about their designs and they always requested something new. Plus your boss wasn't the nicest person around. But at least you were back home for the night. 

Bakugou had texted you a few minutes ago and said he was going to be there soon, but it was never a guarantee with his line of work. He worked long nights most of the time, it was the best time to go out on patrols after all.

You went back into the kitchen, grabbed your tea, and then turned on the t.v to find something good to watch to pass the time. Maybe a crime drama? A comedy would be nice too? A crime comedy then?

You pulled a blanket over you and got comfortable until you felt a familiar craving begin to form in your stomach. "Ugh...I need ice cream." You mumbled, setting your tea down on the small table near the couch. You threw the blanket off of your body so you could get up.

Just as you opened the freezer and fumbled around for the ice cream container in the back, you heard the door unlock. Bakugou walked inside, immediately taking off his heavy black boots by the door. "Y/n, I'm home!" He called out loudly.

"I'm in here." You called out from the kitchen, finally getting your hands on the ice cream container. He strolled into the kitchen with a scowl on his face.

"Today was so shitty y/n, that damn Deku stole my spotlight again! He swooped in at the last minute like always and everyone just gave him all the credit! Damn it, all these people just love how he's always smiling too, it's so stupid!"

You pursed your lips and stuck a spoon into the ice cream, getting a nice clean scoop. "Everyone loves you too Katsuki, you have so many fans everywhere. And as long as people are being saved, your popularity should come second." You said, taking a step towards him. "Don't worry babe, you'll always be my number one." You reached up and tousled his spiky blonde hair, and he closed his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess it's cool to save people," Bakugou grumbled, cracking open one eye to look at you.

"There, that's the spirit!" You exclaimed, patting the top of his head. "You want some ice cream?"

"It's not that shitty one, is it? The one that tasted like death?"

"No...it's chocolate babe." You responded handing him the container along with your spoon.

"Eating it right out of the container huh? You must've had a shitty day too." He remarked, eating only one spoonful before putting it back and heading into the living room. You sighed and followed him with heavy, tired footsteps. When you finally flopped back down on the couch you told him all about your day, ranting about the inconvenient things you had to deal with.

"And then he had the nerve to tell me to change my design when he said last week that sleek outfits were all the rage!"

"What an asshole. Want me to beat the shit outta him? I'd really like to see the look on his face if I destroyed his costumes!" Bakugou said, with a dangerous glint in his red eyes. You knew he would beat up your boss if he had the chance and as much as you wanted him to, you had to decline.

"Sorry, the job pays too well to have you explode that smug grin off his face. Thanks though." You replied, snuggling closer to your boyfriend. The blanket kept you warm but nothing could beat Bakugou's warm body. He was like a little furnace. 

He hugged you close and kissed the top of your head before resting his head on yours. The two of you stayed like that for a while, relishing in comfortable silence with each other. These kinds of peaceful moments were rare between you both, but when they happened they were the best times.

Your eyes felt heavy, and your breathing became even and slow. Bakugou sighed quietly and mumbled, "At least I can come home to you y/n. That makes all this damn stress worth it." He said.

You shifted in your spot and lifted your head to look at him. Your hand caressed his soft cheek as you kissed him softly on the lips. He returned your kiss with slightly more vigor, his lips moving in sync with yours. His hands went to your back, his fingers tracing your shoulder blades through your shirt. You smiled against his lips at the sensation but had to break away for air for a moment. 

"You make it all worth it too Katsuki. You really do." You whispered, your breath mingling with his, you two were still just inches apart from each other.

"Enough talking, just kiss me y/n." He replied, "We always can talk later."

You kissed his cheek quickly and grinned. "Agreed." You replied, before resuming kissing his lips. 

The stress of the day seemed to practically melt away with every soft kiss Bakugou gave you, and by the time you two were done your piping hot tea had gone completely cold.

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