Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: Starry Sky

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A Shinsou stargazing scenario was requested and it just sounded so cute!! Thank you all for the requests it's awesome! For this oneshot the reader will be in the general department like Shinsou. Also, this was kind of inspired by "Your Name" which is a great movie 10/10...I highly recommend it. Enjoy!

Being in the general department at U.A. was alright...some days at least. Today it just seemed like everyone was intent on getting on your nerves.

First, some students from the support department made sure to tell you that they were "so glad" they didn't have to invent items for the students in the general department. That would be "way too much work!"

Too much work my ass...they just think we're worthless, you thought to yourself, your anger now simmering at a low frequency. Just in time for homeroom too. Throwing your backpack down you slouched in your seat and sulked. You could feel Shinsou's eyes stare at you for a while before he spoke up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah! I'm great! In fact I've never been better!"

"...Ok then. But you can tell me if--"

"I already said I'm fine. Just drop it."

Shinsou raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing you, but he stopped talking anyway. He knew when to give you space and this was one of those times where you probably just needed some time to cool off.

After snapping at Shinsou, class went by without a hitch!

At least that's what you wished had happened. Instead, you had forgotten your homework folder at home which had everything in it and your teacher was not impressed by your sad excuse for not having the due assignments. You walked up to his desk and apologized for your mistake. Embarrassed and frustrated you turned on your heel too sharply and tripped on your own two feet.

You hit the floor with a resounding thud and out of the corner of your eye you saw Shinsou start to stand up to help you. "Y/n are you alright?" your teacher asked, their hand hovering over your shoulder before you got to your feet quickly.

"I-I'm fine." you whispered your face fiercely burning up with embarrassment. You finally got to your seat, slumping over the small desk as low as you could go while Shinsou eyed you worriedly. But you ignored him for now. You just needed space right? Then maybe this day would turn around.

But lunch came around...and you forgot your lunch money so Shinsou bought you a lunch out of pity. "I'll pay you back I swear..." you said as you eyed the yummy looking sandwich and salad.

"It's not really a problem for me."

"I will pay you back anyway...this day just hasn't been my day I guess."

"Well everyone has an off-day you know? Tomorrow will hopefully be better."

"I hope you didn't jinx it Shinsou! At least there's one good thing that's gonna happen today no matter what."

"What is it?" he asked you, before he bit into his apple. For the first time all day you felt a surge of excitement rush through your body.

"There's gonna be a meteor shower tonight Shinsou! They're saying that it's actually going to be really visible from here which is so rare! I'm so excited...I talked to the principal and he's letting me stay late to watch it!"


"You should come! It'll be so fun I promise!" you said leaning closer to him and slamming your hands on the table for emphasis. Shinsou turned his head away, a faint blush adorning his cheeks while you just kept on staring at him for an answer.

"S-Sure. I'll show up."


You leaned back in your seat, smiling to yourself happily when you noticed a girl walking towards your table. "H-Hey you're Shinsou right?" she asked, tapping her right foot against the floor nervously.

"Yeah. Do you need something?" Shinsou asked, while you gaped up at the girl. This better not be what you're thinking it's going to be...

"I'm Yanai from the support department and I thought you were really cool during the Sports Festival! D-Do you want to go out w-with--"

"Sorry I have to go!" you blurted out immediately, not wanting to hear the end of Yanai's sentence. You pushed past her quickly, knowing full well that you had no right to act like this. Shinsou wasn't your boyfriend so seeing someone else confess to him shouldn't hurt you this much.

Even though you knew all of that, you couldn't help the hot tears that began to spill out of your eyes and down your cheeks. You could hear Shinsou call out your name but you knew if you stayed, you would probably say something you would regret.


Despite your swirling emotions you managed to make it through the rest of your classes with Shinsou. After the school day ended though, you practically bolted out of the classroom and headed to the cafeteria to wait for the meteor shower.

In no time it had become dark, so you climbed up the stairs to the roof of the main building, a little excitement in your step. Thankfully, the night sky was clear with not one cloud in sight. You carefully put your backpack down, since you had packed your favorite telescope for tonight. You also packed a small blanket so that you wouldn't have to sit on the cold concrete of the building.

You were just getting comfortable when you heard the door to the roof open squeakily. "Y/n?"

It was Shinsou's had invited him here after all. "Yeah I'm here." you said, your breath nearly catching in your throat. You didn't want to cry again, especially not in front of him. Shinsou walked over to you, careful not to step on your blanket. He stood next to you, his eyes focused on the starry night sky. "I-I didn't think you would show up. I would understand...after what happened at lunch."

"Well y/n...what did happen at lunch? Why'd you react like that?" he asked.

"You k-know...I just thought that we maybe h-had something? I mean, I know I feel something when I see you, so I don't know if you feel something for me too?"

Your question hung in the air for a few seconds before Shinsou sighed. You pulled your knees towards your chest subconsciously preparing yourself for heartbreak.

"Jeez, if I knew that I would have immediately told Yanai no so that way you wouldn't have cried. I don't want you to be hurt y/n...because I like you too. And when I see you...sometimes I forget to breathe because you--"

"Is it cause I take your breath away?" you interrupted, a soft laugh falling from your lips.

"Tch, yeah you do. Don't let it get to your head y/n."

"I won't Shinsou--aaah!! Look a meteor!!" you exclaimed as you fumbled around with your telescope.

"' don't even need a telescope." Shinsou commented as he gaped up at the sky. The meteor in question was moving through the sky slowly, leaving green and white trails of light behind it.

You peered through your telescope and gasped out loud. "I-I don't know what's happening...something's happening!"

"With your telescope?"

"No the meteor dummy!" you said, just as the night sky illuminated for a second as the meteor suddenly split into multiple smaller meteors, each with their own bright colors.

"Holy shit!" you and Shinsou exclaimed simultaneously. Your mouth hung open, and you reached for Shinsou's hand clumsily. He took your hand, clutching it tightly. The beautiful sight entranced you and him until the smaller meteors began to fizzle out and lose color.

You felt Shinsou's hand leave yours and place itself on top of your head. "Y/n...t-turn towards me." he said.

You tore your eyes away from the sky and turned towards him. Bright purple eyes met yours and in a moment that felt so perfect, you two kissed as the meteors flew and burned out over the earth.

Bnha Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें