Hawks x Reader: Introduction

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A Hawks request piece is here. The requester wanted the reader to be a U.A. student so I aged up the reader to eighteen, making them a third year. And have you all seen Hawks' color scheme!? His wings are amazing, I'm so in love. Anyway enjoy!

You still hadn't told anyone about your relationship with the number two hero Hawks, but there were many factors at play here. Hawks worried for your safety if you were outed as his partner, and you were worried about what your parents and friends would think. Being romantically involved with the number two hero was a hard secret to keep though, mostly because of how loyal the paparazzi and Hawks' fans were.

But you knew that your friends at U.A. could be trusted and you wanted to introduce Hawks to them first. Surprisingly, Hawks was fine with it since he said that if you thought they could be trusted then that was good enough for him.

"Plus Tsukuyomi was a great and moody intern for me! I'd love to see his face when he finds out that we're together!" Hawks said, a large smile on his face as you two walked through U.A.'s large front gate. You nodded your head, hoping that revealing your relationship wouldn't be too much of a surprise for your friends.

"Maybe Dark Shadow will come out and have some things to say." you remarked. "I told my friends to meet us in the courtyard, so it's more casual."

"Are you nervous?" Hawks asked, his sharp eyes training themselves on your face. He always was extremely intuitive to your mood, which you were grateful for. It made things easier.

"Yeah, kind of...I mean I know we're solid, I'm just overthinking things I guess." you said, wringing your hands together.

"As long as we're good, then I think everything else will be fine." Hawks said, taking one of your hands in his. He pressed his lips to your hand and gave you a quick wink. You sighed, knowing deep in your heart that he was right. As long as you two have each other then everything else will fall into place.

"You're right. Let's do this thing!" you said, already feeling more relaxed about this whole thing. Hawks gave you a sly grin and a quick kiss on the top of your head and you two kept walking to the courtyard.

When you got there you saw that Iida, Ochako, Ashido, and Tokoyami were already waiting by the benches that were under some huge trees. It was one of your favorite spots on campus (besides your awesome dorm room of course) so you thought this was the perfect place to meet your friends.

"Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting," you said, "Hawks had to sign a lot of autographs before we got here."

"It's fine we weren't waiting that long." Uraraka said. Her large brown eyes traveled downwards and suddenly her rosy cheeks became a lot more red, matching Hawks's wings. "U-Um...er..."

"Is something wrong?" You asked her, raising your eyebrows.

"You're...Hawks...you're h-holding his hand y/n!" Uraraka exclaimed, cupping her face with her hands. Your eyes widened in realization.

You two had been holding hands this entire time!

"Damn it! It was supposed to be a surprise!" You said, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration.

"Oh well, I guess the cat's out of the bag right? Y/n and I are dating, we have been for a while but y/n thought it was time to tell you guys." Hawks said, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. You peered at his face, his cute grin wasn't wavering in the slightest though. "Now you know...I don't really know what comes after this actually!"

"Me neither..." you said. Your friends were silent for a good minute before bursting into loud laughter and some applause.

"Sorry for laughing y/n...w-we just thought it was something really serious since you called all of us out here!" Iida said, struggling to talk through his laughing.

"Love is a serious thing Iida! It's super serious!" Ashido added, her colorful eyes widening with excitement. She leaned closer to you and said, "So...who confessed first?"


"Ashido, that's an extremely personal question and it's quite rude to pry!" Iida said, pushing his glasses up as he began to blush a bright red.

"What a terrible banquet of darkness this is." Tokoyami said, adding his own strange two cents worth into the conversation. "It is rude to pry though, I agree with that."

"I'm not even prying, they haven't even given me...I mean us an answer!" Ashido said, and you looked at Hawks to see what you two should do. He just kept on grinning and you knew he was going to tell your friends every embarrassing detail.

Oh well, I guess this might as well happen right?

"Y/n confessed first, and they did it in the rain which was kind of awesome and super dramatic. I didn't even have to think about it...I knew that I was crazy about y/n then just like I am now." Hawks said, rubbing the back of his head as a light blush set on his cheeks. "It might be a boring answer for you but I really like telling this story so...uh are you alright?"

You had been watching Hawks this whole time you hadn't noticed that Ashido was teary-eyed and sniffling uncontrollably. "That's--that's so romantic!!" She cried, covering her entire face with her hands as she sobbed. It was almost comical but you were grateful for her reaction either way. It took the attention off of you for a bit.

"I'm glad you think so Ashido, it was one of the most stressful things I've ever done." You said.

"D-Did you kiss in the rain too?" Uraraka asked, her voice soft and timid. "I've always wanted to kiss in the rain...er I mean I just wonder what it's like that's all!"

You smiled, knowing about her cute crush on Midoriya that still hadn't been resolved between the two of them. "We did...once I confessed and it was pretty sweet, but I ended up getting a cold afterwards and Hawks had to take care of me. He made me soup and everything!"

"Awww!!" Ashido and Uraraka said, while Iida and Tokoyami just nodded their heads in approval.

Hawks released his hold on your hand and pointed to the main U.A. building with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm hungry, is that the cafeteria?" he asked, and you nodded.

"Wanna go?"

"Yes please!" he said, taking your hand again. "I can pay for everyone's meals too, c'mon guys." He was already leading you to the cafeteria and your friends followed you without question. But they were all thinking the same thing.

I guess he doesn't know that we don't have to pay for our food at the cafeteria, it's all included anyway.

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