Dabi x Reader: Surprise (Part 1)

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Alright this is my first chapter on a villain!! And yes there will be a part 2!! Dabi is definitely mysterious too, which is awesome, but I hope I got his character right. For this oneshot the reader will have the ability to remember anything they read, but they get headaches often. Enjoy!

The humid summer air made everything seem foggy and slow. But despite the uncomfortable weather, you still needed to go to work. You threw on your work clothes, and grabbed your retractable baton placing it in your jacket pocket. Your quirk didn't give you any physical advantage, so you had taken matters into your own hands by getting some concealed weapons. With that taken care of, you headed out to work.

You worked for a hero law firm as one of their best paralegal's. Your memorization quirk was perfect for remembering old and new hero laws. Everyday you tried to read a new book, just so you could store more information in your head (even if the headaches got worse every time).

The firm was a little ways away, so you had invested some of your money into getting a gently used black Kawasaki Ninja Motorcycle. It was super fast, and you loved the thrill of speeding along the twisting roads.

Safety first y/n, you thought as you put on your black helmet and matching black and white biker gloves. You hopped onto the large bike easily, and peeled out of the driveway.

The sunlight pierced your eyes as you drove, speeding along the winding streets of the city. Your helmet didn't cover your face, much to your annoyance.

You slowed down, anticipating the upcoming red light. The motorcycle's engine purred and you clicked your tongue impatiently. You hated waiting with a passion. At least there was no traffic. In fact you were the only one waiting at the intersection.

Suddenly you heard a loud scream coming from an alleyway to the right of you. Your heartbeat quickened, worried about what you might see if you went over there.

No, I need to be helpful...maybe someone just fell over or something. It's not always a villain attack.

You turned your bike to the right, driving up to the sidewalk slowly. You got off and parked it, calling out to see if they were alright. You listened intently but was met with silence.

You quietly walked into the bleak alleyway, you could feel sweat beads start to form on your forehead.

"Is everything ok over here?" You asked, looking up to see whatever there was to see.

But no one was in the alley. The alley was empty except for a few trashcans and a like of what looked like...dust?

You walked over to the dust pile and squatted down, curiously. It wasn't dust, no it was too dark and dense.


"Don't move, or you'll end up just like that worthless guy on the ground." A deep and sinister voice told you from behind. You felt a warm palm touch the small of your back, and your breath hitched. Dammit! I guess it is always a villain!

Sweat rolled down the sides of your face, and you gulped. "P-Please I-I-I...I'm not a pro hero or anything..."

"Then what are you exactly? You must've heard that guy scream, and you thought you could help huh?"

"I...yeah I did." you admitted with a shaky voice.

There was a long silence, the palm on your back was now getting uncomfortably hot and you seriously wondered if you were going to make it out of this in one piece. You felt the weight of your baton in your pocket, and wondered if you could take him in a head-on fight.

But before you did anything rash you rifled through your limitless memory, trying to at least figure out if you read about this villain before.

Ash...that pile is definitely ash...fire quirk? Male, sounds young... is he a new villain?

"Who the hell do you think you are? You think you've got the right to hand out justice?" He asked you in a low voice.

"It's not my right...I just wanted to help...Dabi."

"Oh, so you've heard of me?" He asked you, his voice sounding less bored now. You were still terrified, but you held your ground as best as you could, trying not to let fear seep into your voice.

"Of course. Y-You were in the newspaper a few weeks ago, you're part of the League of Villains." you stated from memory. The article wasn't that long (it didn't even have a picture of him), and the crimes that he had committed were mostly just petty, so why did he just kill that guy? What's his plan?

" But i-if you're going to k-kill me, can I at least...uhm...call my parents first or something--"

"Psh, don't be so dramatic.. I'm not gonna kill you..." he said his voice getting quiet, and you felt the hot palm leave your back. Hmm, I guess this is my chance...

With blinding speed, you whipped out your baton and felt it click into place while simultaneously turning around to face Dabi. With one swift and powerful motion, you swung the baton at his knees. It connected with a loud snap, and you smirked.

His lidded blue eyes widened and he looked extremely annoyed as he fell down on the ground with a resounding thump. He definitely looked different from what you had imagined. Patches of purple skin clung to his body and adorned his face, attached with shiny silver stitches. His jet black hair almost covered his striking blue eyes, but you could tell he was pissed that you had attacked him.

Despite your surprise at his appearance, you took this precious opportunity to aim a swift kick at his face. He got up quickly, in a squatting position, and grabbed your leg before you could connect with his face. He yanked on your leg roughly, pulling you down to the hard concrete ground.


You swung your baton reflexively at his face, but he moved back making you just graze his nose slightly. As he moved back, he extended his arm his palm facing forward right at you. You could see dark black flames burst out of his hand, and you instinctively jumped back.

The flames luckily never reached you, but they made an effective smokescreen. "DABI! Get back here!!" you screamed, coughing as you inhaled the thick smoke.

You twirled the baton in your hand, and ran quickly out of the alleyway. But he was gone.


Talking to the police didn't take as long as you thought it would, but at the end of the day you were completely exhausted. Using your quirk all day definitely took its toll. Oh, and getting attacked by a strangely attractive villain took its toll on you too.

Finally you were back on your motorcycle, eager to head home. You zipped around the streets as quickly as you could, and got to your house in record time.

You parked your motorcycle in the tiny carport, and locked it up. As you locked it you couldn't shake the creepy sensation that someone was watching you from behind.

Admittedly you were still shaky from the incident with Dabi, so you pulled out your baton as quickly as you could. You turned around and sure enough...Dabi was standing right in your tiny carport, his hands stuffed in his pockets casually like he had done this a thousand times.

"G-Get the hell away from me!!" you yelled at him, getting into a fighting stance immediately. But to your surprise Dabi took his hands out of his pockets, and raised them above his head as if he was surrendering to you. Your eyes widened, but you still kept your baton out just in case.

"I don't wanna fight, I wanna make a deal with you."


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