Kirishima Eijirou x Reader: Villain Attack

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This is just a random villain attack scenario with ma boy Kirishima. For this oneshot the reader will have a telekinetic/ psychic quirk that allows them to control inanimate objects, but makes them dizzy if it's overused. Enjoy!

The day started just like any other normal fall day. You were heading out to meet up with Kirishima so you two could train together at USJ. Kirishima first approached you during lunch saying that your telekinetic quirk was really impressive and cool. He thought that since you could throw heavy stuff at him, it would be good practice for him and his hardening quirk. It would also be good for you because you could see what your limit was.

So, you two exchanged numbers and decided that USJ was the perfect place to spar and train. 

You smiled to yourself contentedly as you walked and enjoyed the tranquil weather. You had always secretly admired Kirishima from afar ever since you first saw him during the team combat training segment of class. He seemed so brave and excactly the kind of person you thought would make a great hero one day. You never thought someone as strong as him would ever approach you, even if you both were in the same class.

You turned the corner and spotted USJ in the distance. Your heart started pounding harder as you got more excited at the idea of sparring against Kirishima. You started to pick up your pace when suddenly a high pitched scream caught your attention.

Huh?! Where did that come from?? Could it be... you started to run towards the direction of the screaming. The closer you got to the sounds the more your eyes started stinging as if acid was being blown into them. Is this because of a quirk? You halted abruptly, the scene in front of you interrupting your thought process.

 A woman was kneeling on the ground with dark burns on her thighs and arms, while a man lay unconscious next to her. Your heartbeat quickened tenfold as you took in the menacing figure of the villain looming over the victims. Their back was turned to you but you could faintly make out a green mist-like substance oozing out of their body. With lightning speed, you took your phone out of your pocket and went to your text messages.

 You: Kirishima help now...8th street and mountain drive...villain

You wondered if there were any pro-heroes around to help. You guessed that they would have shown up by now. This was it a hero in training it was up to you to try and help these people. "Oi, v-villain w-what the hell do you think you're doing?!" you yelled nervously, hoping to stall until Kirishima got there.

The villain turned slowly and eyed you. Your knees started to shake as you got a good look at their face.

Their entire face was covered in bumpy, white, and jagged scars and their eyes were completely black. Their hands were covered in the green mist, which you assumed caused the woman's legs and arms to be burned. They stared at you and then started laughing. 

"HA, this doesn't involve you, child! Leave now and I won't have to hurt you," they growled threateningly. The green mist had spread across their arms now, completely covering them. Despite what they said, this villain was obviously itching for a fight.

You surveyed the area and looked for anything that you could move around easily with your quirk. You saw a stop sign that could work and three cars but that might be over your limit...

"HEY IF YOU DON'T LEAVE I'LL KILL YOU! YOU WANNA FIGHT ME THAT BAD?!" the unnamed villain roared. You yelped in surprise but still stood your ground.

"NO I'll never leave...these people...they need my help...and you're in my way villain!!" you screamed with vigor as you activated your quirk. Your eyes glowed red and so did your hands as you willed the stop sign to launch at the villain. If I can get those people to safety...maybe I can diffuse this whole situation! you thought desperately.

The stop sign was pulled from the ground and was spinning quickly towards the villain. At the same time, you willed a car door towards you to act as a shield. You took a running start at the villain with the car door in tow. They laughed and secreted more of their green mist and aimed it at the stop sign. Within seconds the stop sign was corroded down and destroyed.

Damn it! Their quirk is that strong? 

Then they aimed their mist at you. You threw the car door at them distracting them for a moment while you dodged the acidic mist.

While they were distracted you picked up the woman and reached out to the unconscious man. You barely grabbed a hold of his shirt before the green mist reached your arms. You screamed out in pain as your skin burned, and you momentarily let go of the man and nearly dropped the woman.

"S-save yourself...please." you heard the woman mumble as she suddenly became dead weight in your arms causing you to stumble backward.

"NO, I CAN'T! I WON'T!!" You yelled as you tried to put some distance between you and the villain in front of you.

This can't be just can't be it!


Kirishima's voice pierced through your ears as you saw him sprinting towards the villain at breakneck speed.

"What the--?" the villain started to say as Kirishima's hardened fist slammed into the back of their head. The villain stumbled back trying to gain a footing, obviously startled with Kirishima's bold fighting style. Kirishima bent down and swung his fist up, delivering a swift and brutal uppercut.

"Ya' know, attacking innocent people isn't very manly of you, villain." Kirishima lectured.

The villain went down but not before they expelled tons of their acidic green mist towards Kirishima.

"Kirishima! Watch out for the mist! It can corrode even metal..." you yelled from the sidelines.

"Don't worry 'bout it!" he yelled back. Why does he seem so calm??

You yanked your phone out of your pocket and dialed the police quickly.

Meanwhile, Kirishima squatted down, taking a fighting stance and activated his hardening quirk. His shirt ripped as his skin became jagged and sharp and his teeth became more...shark-like.

You gasped as he braved through the mist and launched himself at the villain with a bellowing battle cry. His eyes must be burning up! you thought anxiously. You felt so helpless, all you could do was protect the civilians.

In reality, Kirishima's fight with the villain was short and uncomplicated. But as you watched the two collide together over and over just felt like a million years had gone by. 

Kirishima just kept relentlessly pushing, and in the end, he stood victorious but also badly burned.

The police sirens interrupted the scene and three ambulances came soon after. The two civilians were taken away first in separate ambulances while you and Kirishima shared one. Kirishima lied down on the stretcher while you sat next to him.

While in the ambulance you and Kirishima started talking.

"To be honest this was not what I was expecting training with you would be like y/n," he said jokingly "...I thought it would be more fun."

You laughed but suddenly felt extremely guilty for dragging him into it.

"Kirishima I...I'm really sorry for what happened...I should've just called the police first, and because I didn't, now we're both injured," you said as tears started to form in your eyes.

"If it wasn't for you getting involved those people would've died! It was super cool and manly of you to least that's what I think," he replied with a sudden tenderness in his voice.

You stopped for a moment and leaned down towards his face, giving him a soft peck on the cheek where a bruise was beginning to form from his fight. You sat back up and admired the deep blush that adorned his face now. You smiled brightly, wiping the tears from your eyes.

"You weren't too bad yourself Kirishima."

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