Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: Truth or Dare

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Had a sudden burst of inspiration to write this I don't know why! For this oneshot Shinsou and the reader will be aged up to about 22 years old, and they are both pro heroes. ^_^ Enjoy!

"One, two, three! Cheers!!"

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together, some of your own drink spilled on your hand as you did but you didn't care. It was the New Year party for the hero agency and nothing would spoil your good mood today.

This year your agency had been in the top ten for the most solved cases and the most captured villains. It was definitely something to celebrate, plus you got to see how Shinsou would act when he was tipsy. You were sure that he would be really cute.

The two of you had grown close after you had been hired together. He had graduated from U.A. High and you had come from Shiketsu High, and you two had unknowingly seen each other in high school when your school visited his.

But know that you had formally met each other, a strong friendship formed between you two. It was great being his friend, but you would be lying if you said you didn't want to have a romantic relationship with him. You just didn't want to lose your friendship over it, that was your greatest fear.

You sipped your drink silently and Shinsou did the same before he put his drink down and looked over at you. He was sitting right next to you, so closely.

"Hey y/n, you look a little lost. Everything alright?" He asked you. His dark purple eyes scanned your face intently but you just laughed and shrugged your shoulders.

"I'm fine, just thinking about how crazy this year has been." You replied with a smile. "It's been really great working as a hero, a lot better than being a student that's for sure."

"I never thought I would actually be a's the best thing I've ever done." He said, looking down at the table below him. "It also helps that you've made this year really fun."

"Oh little old me? I didn't know I was so fun." You said, happily smiling at him.

"You are--" Shinsou started to say but before he could add anything else though one of your loud co-workers interrupted with her booming voice. Mika was one of the sidekicks at the agency but she was intimidating as hell and everyone usually just did what she said. Even the pro heroes.

"Helloooo guys! Let's all play a game, it'll be sooo much fun!" She exclaimed, obviously tipsy from her drink already as she leaned on the person sitting next to her. People murmured amongst themselves until everyone looked around and nodded their heads. Everyone seemed to think that a game would be fun right now.

"Oh boy, can't wait to see what she thinks of." You whispered to Shinsou who just winced a little bit to show his concern.

"Alright! What about Truth or Dare?" She asked everyone around.

"What are we in middle school? I haven't played that game in years." another hero said jokingly, before taking a swig of their drink. "Really takes me back to when I was a youngster." People chuckled and you piped up.

"It sounds fun." You said. "I-I can go first if no one wants to."

Mika grinned at you, but there was no malice in her eyes like there usually was. "Alright y/n, you're so brave! Truth or dare?"

"Um," You drummed your nails on the table as you thought about it, "truth I guess."

"Hmm, I'll go easy on you...when was your first kiss?" She asked, and people quieted down to hear your answer.

That's not going easy on me! What the hell!

"I...uh was in my last year of high school. So I was seventeen." You said, not enjoying how everyone's eyes seemed to be staring at you, including Shinsou.

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