Todoroki Shouto x Reader: Quiet

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Todoroki was requested for a shy soft-spoken reader, so any introverts out there you should relate to this! (myself included lol) For this oneshot the reader will have the ability to control plants and grow certain plants on their body. Enjoy!

Every single time you got a report card from your teacher there was always that small comment on the side, 'I wish you would talk more in class!'

Why was talking so important? You had been fine so far, saying as few words as possible, and there was no one that you absolutely wanted to talk to. At least that's what you thought before you got to class 1-A at U.A. High.

He was sitting in the back row, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. But even from the distance between you two you could still make out a bright red scar that decorated the left side of his face. And of course his red and white hair stood out too. He opened one of his eyes and looked at you much to your surprise.

Great he caught me staring! He probably thinks I'm a creep!

You felt your cheeks start to heat up in a blush, so in order to save you from more embarrassment you took a seat right in the front of the class as far away from him as possible. Maybe he didn't really notice you at all. It could all be in your head...

"Hey, did you want to sit next to me? Sitting in the front might be intimidating."

The boy with the scar was standing right next to you! He seemed just as surprised as you were though, he probably was one of those prodigies that didn't come to U.A. to make friends. He was way out of your league.

" have a sunflower growing on your hand." He stated, pointing to your right hand that was indeed sprouting a small flower on the back of it. You gasped quietly and yanked it off of your hand. The boy's grey and blue eyes widened as you carefully put the flower behind your ear.

"D-Don't worry...pulling out a hair is more painful than that." you said, happy with yourself that you could even form words right now. His eyes were so intense looking you wondered how one person could be so intimidating!

"Well alright then...the offer still stands if you want to sit next to me." He said, turning around. "Name's Todoroki by the way."

"T-Todoroki..." you mumbled under your breath. Oh how easily his name tumbled out of your lips!

He went back to his seat, leaving you to stew in your racing thoughts.

It's now or never y/n!

With newfound resolve you picked up your backpack and marched to the back of the classroom. Todoroki eyed you as you sat down, his face betraying no emotion at all.

But after you had gotten comfortable he asked you what your name was and his eyes seemed to soften for a moment when you told him. "That's a really pretty name."

You almost exploded and nearly sprouted a tree on your head from sheer embarrassment. "T-Thank you." you replied softly, hoping that maybe he couldn't see your blush. There was a ninety nine percent chance that you were as red as a tomato right now though so your fight was futile. "Todoroki is a-a nice name too."

"Thanks..." he replied.

The first meeting was awkward as it was memorable. Todoroki was incredibly nice to you but he wasn't as intimidating as you first thought. In fact after a few days of getting to know him, you realized that he was rather awkward, which was really endearing.

It had been a whole week since you started at U.A. and so much had already happened, you felt completely exhausted. Between the quirk test that Aizawa administered, studying for other classes, and training by yourself you didn't even want to see anyone from U.A. this weekend.

Well, until Todoroki texted you. His text was short and to the point: Did you want to go to the beach? It's warm.    

"Oh Todoroki..." you whispered under your breath. You texted back a quick yes and said that you would meet him there.

You quickly packed a small bag full of things: your phone, a change of clothes, a hat, and some sunglasses. Then you were off.

It had been a long time since you had gone to beach and you certainly had never met up with a boy there! This was all so strange and new, but you assumed that it was new to Todoroki too. As you approached the beach you saw his bright white and red hair stick out like a sore thumb against the light brown sand. He was sitting under an umbrella, his back turned to you.

There was something so calming about peaceful.

"Hey Todoroki." you said, blushing as he turned towards you in all his shirtless glory. You felt naked in your t-shirt and jeans but he seemed aloof about showing so much skin! He gave you a tiny smile and patted a space on the blanket next to him.

"Glad you could make it y/n. Wanna sit down?"

"Sure. Thanks." you said, squatting down and sitting cross-legged on the soft blanket. "Why'd you want to come here Todoroki?"

"I-I just wanted to see you. I haven't been here since I was very little either...I just haven't had time." He replied, his voice barely audible. "Y-You don't mind do you? Coming out here today?"

"No I don't mind at all. I'm just a little tired from our week at U.A. but I think that's a given." you replied, surprised by your level voice. You hadn't stammered or mumbled once during this entire conversation!

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be tired. You should be resting--"

"I'm fine. I wanted to come here after all... because it sounded like fun. I like s-spending time with you."

The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. There was a good moment of silence between you two until Todoroki chuckled softly and moved his hand closer to yours so your fingers were just barely touching.

The contact might have been minimal, but you felt like you were going to catch on fire because of it. "T-Todoroki..."

"Do you mean it? You like spending time with me?" he asked. He sounded so vulnerable like he honestly didn't know why on earth you would want to be with him.

"Of course I do!" you nearly shouted. Raising your voice felt strange to you, because you had rarely done it, especially with someone you had a crush on. "I-I mean why wouldn't I...I like you a lot after all."

Damn it! I've blurted things out again!!

Your mind was racing along with your heart at what you had just said. But before you could blurt anything else out, Todoroki gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead quickly.

"Thank you y/n. I've never had anyone like that way." he whispered, his face staying close to yours. "I have to admit though...I wasn't expecting a confession today, but it isn't unwanted."

"T-Thank god."

"I liked you on the first day we met actually." Todoroki said, his face turning red slightly. "That's why I wanted you to sit next to me...I tried to be forward with you..."

"I-I've never been good at communicating or knowing which signals are which. I-I'm sorry." you muttered, clasping your hands together tightly. Todoroki eyed you, obviously pondering something until he breathed out and spoke.

"Y/n...may I kiss you on the lips this time?"

You squeaked in surprise but nodded your head. Todoroki leaned forward, his lips melding into yours nicely. He kissed you firmly but not too forcefully, and he pulled away before you became needy for air.

His mouth made a perfect circle and he pointed to the top of your head. "Oh. I think there's a small apple tree on your head y/n." He remarked, setting your cheeks ablaze with embarrassment. You quickly deactivated your quirk and looked away.

"Just d-don't tell anyone I did that after our first kiss." you pleaded with him, your voice quiet.

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me."

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