Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: New

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Request for Bakugou and a curvy reader. For this oneshot the reader will have the ability to control shadows and make them sentient. I kind of hit a bit of a writer's block with this one, so I might take a little while to update again. But I hope you all enjoy this!

After the Sports Festival concluded everyone in Class 1-A seemed to want new upgrades to their hero costumes. The license exams were coming up soon so your classmates were definitely going to be prepared, but you were unsure of what to do for your costume.

You were fine with your simple getup. It was a one piece suit much like Uraraka's except yours had a dark black cape that could make your shadow bigger and easier to control. Midoriya had leg braces now to make his kicking easier and you were tempted to try that kind of style but your ankle boots were working just fine for you.

Maybe I'll get some cool gloves, I'm sure Hatsume will be able to think of something for me, you thought as you ate your lunch in silence. Well, you were the only quiet one because you were sitting with Bakugou's friends today and they rivaled Bakugou in terms of loudness.

Bakugou was sitting next to you, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he ate his ramen noodles. You caught is eye and he leaned back so he was more comfortable.

"What's going on y/n? You look constipated." Bakugou said, making you laugh dryly at him.

"I'm not constipated, I'm just realizing how boring my costume is." You said, drumming your fingers against the table. "Plus it looks too much like Tokoyami's costume."

"I guess, but I think you look fucking hot in your costume. It really suits you." He said, his eyes staring intensely into your own like he was ready to go into battle or something. You blushed and looked away, your eyes training themselves on your half finished food but Bakugou wasn't done embarrassing you yet. "Why do you want to change your costume anyway? You're fine the way you are!"

His words were loud enough to make Kirishima and Kaminari stop their conversation and look up at you two with curious eyes.

"You don't think it's too blah? I mean...maybe it should be cuter? It's just dark and...I don't know." You tried to explain but Bakugou scoffed at you and grabbed your chin so you were forced to look at him.

"Aren't you listening to me? You're fucking fine the way you are, and you can kick everyone's asses with your costume as is so what's this about?" He asked you, his voice getting lower to show his seriousness about this situation. He always seemed to know just what to say to you but right now you were at a loss for words.

You fiddled with your hands and gave him a tiny smile. "Sorry...'scuse me for a minute." You got up in a hurry and walked towards the exit of the cafeteria. Bakugou called out your name but you kept on walking. You just needed to think about some things for a little bit.


Somehow you ended up in one of your favorite places on campus. It was in the back of the main building where there were many trees and wildflowers mixed in with the grass. You plopped down on the ground with a sigh and hugged your knees.

It seemed like everyone in your class was at a turning point except for you. There was nothing worse than feeling like you couldn't be equals with your friends and dating Bakugou, one of the strongest members of the class, was a constant reminder that you might never measure up. 

You bit your trembling lower lip and tried to steel yourself. Only a few minutes passed before you decided to head back to Bakugou. He was your boyfriend after all, he might be able to help.

You got up and wiped some dirt off from your uniform bottoms. Someone chuckled lowly, making you jump in surprise. You looked up and breathed out in relief.

Bakugou walked over to you, his eyes telling you that he was irritated at what you pulled during lunch. "Thought I'd find you here. Damn it...what are you doing y/n? Why are you acting so weird huh?" He asked you.

"I-I'm sorry." You said, trying to hide how your voice was breaking. "I just don't feel...like myself I guess. I-I'm not like you Bakugou, I'm self-conscious and I think my costume just feels weird now. Like my body doesn't fit it you know?"

"I guess?" Bakugou replied with furrowed eyebrows. "Just don't cry about it. Whenever you're feeling shitty like this, just come to me. I'll kick your bad feelings in the ass!"

You stared at him before bursting out in loud laughter much to Bakugou's surprise. "Why the hell are you laughing! I was being serious!" He asked, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Ahaha, I-I just...that's not how feelings work!" You said through your laughter and Bakugou scowled at you but there was no real anger behind his expression. You chuckled a few more times and Bakugou took your hand in his.

"Still wanna change your costume?"

"Yeah...I have an idea actually. I think it's kind of a compromise."


After you and Bakugou met with Hatsume you felt a lot better about everything. She made you some metal gloves that had detachable parts which could stick on the ground and create more shadows for you to control. You also put in an application for your jumpsuit to be a little looser around your legs and you chose to change to color of it to red instead of black.

"New clothes new me!" You joked with a smile when you signed the application which made Bakugou roll his eyes at you but you didn't miss the smallest hint of a smile on his lips.  

Hatsume also convinced you to have the same metal on your shoes which in her words were going to be "incredibly special babies that would never fail you!"

You were still chuckling to yourself because of her crazy antics as you and Bakugou walked down the hallway to get to the classroom. "I'm glad that worked out, I feel a lot better."

"Good, I think you'll be even more badass now y/n!" Bakugou replied with a large malicious grin on his face. He seemed to be in a better mood now that you were alright and you were glad that you could improve and be a better hero with him by your side.

"Hell yeah!" You exclaimed with gusto. Bakugou threw his arm over your shoulder and you two continued walking down the hallway, laughing to yourself as you did.   

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