Todoroki Shoto x Reader: Fate

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This piece will take place after Todoroki graduates from U.A. so I guess it's a timeskip. The reader will also be quirkless. Since Todoroki's hero name is still Shoto I will be using that to refer to him. Thank you for reading these works, it's been a lot of fun so far (and good practice for my writing too lol). Comments are always appreciated too ^_^ Enjoy!

You weren't even supposed to take this road. This wasn't your usual route to get to work. You thought it would be a good change of pace for once. But as you stood face to face with a huge villain, who seemed to have a mutation quirk considering he had a sharklike face, you decided that maybe changing routines was not always a good idea.

"Give me all your money and I won't hafta hurt ya!" he snarled, his face contorting and showing his razor sharp teeth that looked like they could chew through steel.

You gulped even though your throat was as dry as a desert. You reached into your jacket pocket for your pepper spray bottle.

"I don't have any money villain. Please just leave me alone, I just need to get to work!" you cried out as you grasped the pepper spray inside your pocket with shaking hands.

"Ha! I'm not gonna let you off that easily!" he yelled at you. He lunged at you with malice in his eyes. You reacted quickly enough to step back a bit to keep him from grabbing your arm, while at the same time you whipped out your spray and aimed it directly at his eyes.

It's a good thing it's not windy today or this would be real bad! you thought to yourself gratefully. You might've been born quirkless but that did not mean you couldn't defend yourself.

Your spray connected with his eyes perfectly and he screamed out in pain. You kicked at his right knee and knocked him down quickly.

"Stay down villain...or I won't hafta hurt you!" you told him chuckling at your own mockery. Suddenly a calm voice interrupted your good time.

"Don't worry civilian I will help you!" the voice called out. You turned your head, curious to see who it was. You saw a young man with red and white hair parted in the middle sprinting towards you. He raised his right hand and the villain that you had detained was instantly covered in ice. The only part that was uncovered was his mouth so he could breathe.

No way. It's the young hero Shoto! Todoroki Shoto...Endeavor's son. Jeez to think he would be the one to show up...

"Hi Shoto, don't worry I had the situation under control," you said smirking as he looked at you for injuries, "but thanks for showing up, because now you can take him to the police instead of me. I have to go to work now good luck." you told him preparing to leave, while he just gaped at you. You sighed and concealed your pepper spray in your jacket again.

"W-wait but that means I will get credit for this, when I didn't even do anything. That's just not right!" he protested his bi-colored eyes flashing at you intensely. From what you had seen of him on t.v and in magazines, you had never thought his eyes were anything special. But seeing him up close was riveting.

However, you still thought he had some nerve challenging your request, when it was you who took down the villain. You should be the one making the final decision here not him.

"Please Shoto, I'm not a registered hero or anything. Do you know how much paperwork I'd have to fill out with the police?! I don't even have a quirk so just cut me some slack ok? Either way I'm running late for work so I have to go now." you told him, turning around and walking away quickly.

"Wait!" he protested before looking down at the frozen villain on the ground. You glanced behind you to see Todoroki leaning down applying warmth to the villain with one hand and calling the police with his other hand.

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