Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Too Early (angst)

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I was feeling a bit masochistic so here's an angsty oneshot for you all. I hope it tugs at any heartsrings you guys might have. This is set a few years after Bakugou and the reader graduated from U.A. High. The reader will also have metallic wings for their quirk, that can act as a shield when needed. Be warned for Bakugou cursing. Enjoy!

Damn it...why is this happening?! You were supposed to be out of town on an important undercover mission. But yet here you were. Lying in an impossibly small hospital bed, in a blinding white room that had no color at all.

You were hooked up to multiple machines that were monitoring your vitals, and keeping you alive for the most part, and your white hospital gown clung to your small-looking frame as if it was trying to swallow you whole.

Bakugou clutched your hand in his, as he sat near your bed, silently pleading with you to come back to him. He knew that you probably wouldn't wake up, at least that's what the doctors had said. The damage to your spine was severe and it had already been over three weeks, with no sign of you waking up.

For three weeks, Bakugou hadn't seen your eyes, your smile, and he hadn't heard your beautiful laughter.

Bakugou couldn't stand to look at you anymore. You weren't the happy, beaming person he had come to love anymore. Instead you were lifeless, and broken.

He let go of your cold hand and left the room, urging the tears that were welling up in his crimson eyes to disappear.


About three weeks earlier

"Katsuki, I'll just be gone for a few days, but I want to make sure that everything will be alright here."

"What the fuck? You think I can't handle protecting Japan without you huh?" he asked you, mock aggression in his deep voice.

"Hmm, no I know you can handle being a hero...I kind of was talking about our apartment. You sometimes forget to water the house plants, or wash the dishes, or dust the furniture, or..."

"Alright! Alright, damn I won't forget about the shitty plants, or the shitty dishes, or the shitty furniture!" Bakugou responded, even though he actually liked the indoor plants that you had lined up near the big windows in the living room. But he would never admit that to you.

"Thanks babe, I have to go now, my plane leaves in an hour and a half." you said grabbing your suitcase and walking towards Bakugou who was standing near the door with his hands in his pockets. You pecked his cheek quickly and he scoffed.

"What?" you asked.

"C'mere..." he said pulling you closer, capturing your lips in a needy, and slightly rough kiss. You returned the kiss, thinking how sweet it was that he was going to miss you. "Go fuck some shit up y/n...have fun."

"Thanks!" you said, opening the door to the apartment for the last time.


The line at the airport was never ending, and by the time you made it to your gate the plane was already boarding the first class passengers. You hurried over to get in line, when your phone suddenly started vibrating uncontrollably. Ugh, what the hell...what could it be?!

You swiftly took your phone out of your jacket pocket, and saw three emergency notifications. Evacuate civilians...any pro heroes get to downtown immediately...swarms of villains.

Bnha OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora