Aizawa Shouta x Reader: Internship

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Aizawa is definitely one of my favorite characters and I've always wanted to write about him! This piece is also set after the sports festival (after Aizawa is healed of course) :) Also the reader will be an adult...just throwing that out there lol. Enjoy!

You huffed and pulled at your black shirt as you scrutinized yourself in the mirror. You wondered if you looked professional or too corporate. You sighed and started to doubt yourself.

After a drastic career change you made after working at an unfulfilling office job for a long time, you had entered college again and decided to study education. You had pursued multiple internships for teachers at different schools. Your passion was teaching but you had yet to find a school that seemed exciting enough for you.

That was when, on a whim, you decided to apply for a one-semester internship at U.A. High School. You believed that they would turn you down instantly because of your lack of experience, but to your surprise, they called you back the next day. The principal set up your internship and mailed you your U.A. ID card.

You walked toward the train station quickly remembering what Principal Nezu had told you over the phone.

I will be your supervisor but you will be studying under Mr. Aizawa for the duration of the internship. He's a bit strict but also a bit sleepy so it won't be that bad! He's one of our best teachers.

As you stepped on the train, you wondered what he meant by sleepy. Did Aizawa sleep during class? Does that mean that all of the teachers at U.A. could do that?

You were still lost in your own head as you got off the train and walked towards U.A. High. You pulled you ID out of your pocket and walked under the huge front gate. You had arrived half an hour early before the school day started in order for you to meet Aizawa.

You climbed the steps toward a giant front glass door and walked in. Hmm, Principal Nezu said that Aizawa's class is homeroom 1-A, you thought to yourself as you wandered down hallway after hallway. You finally reached your destination and found yourself staring at another huge door.

Geez, this place is insanely built!

You knocked on the grand door and waited for Aizawa to answer. Instead, you were met with dead silence.

"Huh, well I guess I should just let myself in..." you said as you quietly opened the door. "H-hello? I'm Y/n L/n, I'm here for my inter--" you started to say before you were cut off midsentence by a loud groan.

Your eyes widened as a tall figure emerged from behind the podium that was in the front of the classroom. Your mouth dropped open when you realized that the figure was a tall man with long black hair, who was completely encased in a bright yellow sleeping bag.

"U-Uuh are you Mr. Aizawa?...B-because i-if you're not, I want you to know that I have a b-brown belt in karate!" you said to the strange man, a bit louder than you wanted to.

He unzipped his sleeping bag and stepped out of it carefully as he glared at you with dark tired eyes.

"Of course I'm Aizawa. I wouldn't be able to make it past the U.A. gate without an ID." he said calmly in a completely monotone voice. "You seem to lack reason and intuitiveness."

"OH my gosh, I'm so sorry Mr. Aizawa! I'm the new intern here for U.A. and I'm going to be working mostly with you Mr. Aizawa--"

"Just call me Aizawa."

"Oh ok, well I'm here now and my name is y/n l/n. It's a pleasure to be able to work with you at this incredible campus!" you said as you bowed slightly.

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