Uraraka Ochaco x Reader: Inspiration

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There aren't that many oneshots on the girls, so here's my contribution (besides my Momo oneshot lol). The reader will be quirkless, but also really looks up to heroes. This oneshot will also be set before the sports festival. Uraraka is such a great character, she's really cool and complex and I love that. Also, I have 3 requests in my drafts, so those will be coming out soon. Enjoy!

"Let's see...if I use my ten percent coupon for the cheese then I can afford to get an extra carton of juice. But do I want the juice or should I get something else?" you muttered to yourself, while you stood in front of the juices at the grocery store. People were giving you funny looks, but you chose to ignore them. Saving money was your goal in life, what gave them the right to judge you for it? You kept on muttering until you felt a faint tap on your shoulder.

You turned around and came face to face with a rosy cheeked, girl with cute brown hair. She was smiling brightly and you suddenly became self-conscious. Oh no, did she hear me muttering?

"Hi I heard you muttering..." Ugh great! "...and I actually have an extra coupon for the generic orange juice. Do you want it?" she asked, fishing the coupon out of her jacket pocket and showing it to you. Gasping, you took it from her gingerly, thanking her multiple times for her generosity.

She giggled and shook her head, saying it was no problem before walking away, leaving you to decide what else you were going to buy.


It had been a few days since you had seen the generous nice girl at the grocery store, and you were wondering if you would ever run into her again. Probably not, I mean it is a pretty big city after all...

You sighed and kept on walking towards your school. The best part about your school was the fact that it was so close to your house. But the worst part about it was that even though it was a strictly academic school with no hero courses, you still were the only quirkless student there.

Being quirkless had never bothered you, until other people started pointing it out when you were little. After that you began to toughen up and make sure that no one, even someone who had a strong quirk, could mess with you.

You trained your body, applied yourself in school, and even began reading a book called "How to Survive Adulthood." That book led you to discover your true passion. Money.

Saving money, having money, spending a little money on yourself and other people. All of that made you extremely joyful, almost more joyful than having a good sparring session with your kickboxing teacher. You smiled to yourself at the thought as you kept walking, until a familiar voice broke your thoughts.

"Hi there, you're from the grocery store right? You're the person I gave my coupon to." You turned around and saw the generous, brown-haired girl jogging towards you excitedly. When she finally caught up to you, she wasn't even out of breath and she was still smiling.

"My name's Uraraka, what's your name?" she asked you still smiling warmly.

"It's y/n, it's kind of funny how we ran into each other again." you said, chuckling quietly.

"Yeah you're right, I almost never take this route to get to school, but I just felt like I needed a change of pace today." she told you, as you started to walk again and she followed suit. The wheels turned in your head before you finally realized what she meant. There was only one other school near here...

"Holy crap! Do you go to U.A. High?!" you exclaimed in surprise. She played with her hands nervously, obviously not used to the attention, and nodded. You gasped loudly and your mind came up with at least thirty different questions to ask her.

"WOW! What's it like? Are you in the hero course? Are all the teacher's really pro heroes? I heard on the new even All Might is a teacher, is he awesome??" you blurted out, almost stumbling over your words.

"Hmm, it's very fun and challenging, yes, yes, and he's pretty awesome but you can kind of tell that he's inexperienced as teacher." she answered without skipping a beat. "What about you? Your wearing a uniform, so I'm assuming you're going to school too."

"Huh, well my school's not that impressive. It's all academic, so it doesn't even offer hero courses which is good for me I guess." you explained to her, her large brown eyes looking at you intently.

"Why is it good for you?" she asked you softly.

"I'm quirkless so...you know...being a hero is off the table for me." you said, looking down at the ground as you two kept on walking side by side.

She sighed and placed her hand on your shoulder with surprising strength. You turned to look at her, her brown eyes shining brighter than the sun. "I don't know what it feels like to be quirkless, but I think you can be a hero in your own way if you want y/n. You don't have to be a professional hero to be great person." she said clenching her fist together and grinning at you.

No one had ever told you that before, and she seemed so sure of herself when she said that. Sure, you had taken it upon yourself to train, but being a "hero in your own way" was a completely new idea to you.

"T-thank y-you Uraraka...t-that means a lot." you stammered out, feeling your face grow warm from embarrassment. She was so bright and nice, that you felt like you couldn't look at her directly for too long. She chuckled and let go of your shoulder but kept on walking next to you.

You walked and talked with her all the way to U.A. High, and you two even exchanged numbers. You were late for your first class that day but walking with her was the best part of your day, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.

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