Romero Fujimi x Reader: Special Guests

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Zombie boy was requested again and I really like the concept of this request so I hope you all do too. The reader's quirk will be explosion manipulation, she can create small explosions wherever she touches. This will follow the timeline of the ova (oh and language warning for Bakugou lol). Enjoy!

"Katsuki hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

"Shut the hell up shitty y/n. Why do you have to be such a pain in the ass sister!?"

"It's cause you're always being a little shit!" You replied indignantly, slinging your backpack over your shoulder and glaring at your brother.

He glared daggers at you, his red eyes swimming with anger until Mitsuki snuck up behind him and lightly smacked the back of his head.

He starting yelling an endless stream of curse words at her and you tried to suppress your laughter. They were always bickering nonstop, and you had a pretty good feeling that you were the favorite child.

"Alright mom! I'm leaving!" You said, your loud voice overpowering theirs.

Mitsuki smiled at you sweetly, giving you a small wave goodbye. "Have a great day sweetie!"

"Shit-fuck! I have to go!! Outta my way sister!" Katsuki yelled, forcefully pushing past you so that way he was the first one out the door.

Why does he have to be my brother? I must have built up some really bad karma in my past life!


The school day started off normally, until Aizawa explained to the class that "special guests" from another school would be joining you all.

"They are from Isami Academy so treat them with respect." Aizawa said tiredly. The mystery guests walked in and began to introduce themselves.

There were four students in total, and a girl with glasses and striking silver hair introduced herself first.

"Hello nice to meet you all. My name is Sekigai." she said politely, bowing her head forward slightly.

"I'm Dadan Tadan. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Fujimi."

You saw Katsuki perk up at that introduction, and so did you. What a rude way to introduce yourself!

"Psst, hey Katsuki! He's kind of like you. Rude as shit!"

You heard Katsuki grunt in response, as Mongoose ran over to Tsuyu and hugged her tightly. Fujimi clicked his tongue in annoyance, and yelled, "Mongoose, quit being so frickin' friendly with these U.A. bastards!"

Katsuki immediately shot up yelling his own insult back. "What the hell was that you Isami piece of shit!?"

"Katsuki stop--" you started to say, before you were rudely interrupted by your furious brother.

"Shut up y/n!"

"No you shut up Bakugou." Aizawa interjected and Katsuki immediately stopped yelling much to your delight.

Fujimi scowled at Katsuki, before his dark eyes traveled over to you for a moment. His eyes widened slightly and you decided to smile at him. Even though your brother was one of the rudest people in class 1-A, that didn't mean you had to be.

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