Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Real

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I was thinking about what Bakugou would act like if he was a bit jealous/provoked, so here's a oneshot for you all. Some of you have been asking about when requests will be opening again, and I want to make it clear that I don't have a schedule. I'll probably open them up again in a week or two, but that's not a sure thing. Of course I'll still write oneshots even if requests aren't open, so just have patience ^_^ Enjoy!

Your boyfriend's outrageous temper was known throughout U.A. High, especially after what went down at the Sports Festival (when he had to be chained up to receive his award) but you tried your hardest to defend him at every turn. Only you knew how genuinely kind he could be, no one else knew.

But there were times when you were thankful for his temper. It saved you from a lot of trouble.


"Hey Bakugou wanna hang out after school?" You asked the spiky-haired blonde, who was scribbling down notes furiously in his notebook. You were standing over him with one hand on your hip. He glanced at you and gave you a wicked grin.

"Duh of course I do." He said with a roll of his eyes. "What do ya wanna do?"

You smiled at him sweetly and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I was thinking about seeing that new zombie movie. It looks super cool!"

"Pfft, the one that's called Zombie Terror? You have such shitty taste in movies y/n," He said jokingly, "but we can see it if you want to." There he was! There was the brash boy that you had fallen in love with.

You patted the top of his head a few times, his blonde hair soft underneath your hand, and headed back to your own seat. "Great! Let's try and beat the crowds Katsuki."

School ended, and luckily you were not too exhausted like you usually were. Bakugou would make fun of how when you were tired, your eyes would droop like they were going to close at any moment. But today was not a day to be tired! Today was movie day!

"I'm so excited! It's gonna be the most gory movie of the century, I can just tell!" You told Bakugou cheerfully when you both were making your way to the theater. His hand was holding yours and he walked just a few steps in front of you so it looked like he was leading the way. How cute. "What do you think?"

"Eh, I'm sure there's gonna be worse movies. I don't think this movie will earn a fuckin' place in the history books y/n."

"Hmph! You're such a party pooper!"

"Huh!? I'm a fun and one hell of an easygoing person!" He shouted, and you laughed hysterically at what you thought was a joke of his.

"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard Katuski!" You said through your laughter. 

"He's loud as hell, why are they with someone like him? They seem way too good for him."

Your blood ran cold when those harsh words hit your ears. Who the hell said that? Your eyes darted around, as you tried to see who could have said that. There was a group of boys sitting on a park bench near you two, and they were staring right at you.

Must have been them...well it doesn't matter if Katsuki didn't hear them right?

"Hey Katsu--su--ki--" You tried to say, but then you saw your boyfriend's face. His sharp eyes looked like they were completely engulfed with a fiery rage, his teeth were gritted together, and his eyebrows were furrowed so tightly that it almost looked painful. "Oh shit." You whispered under your breath.

"Oi you fuckers!" Bakugou yelled at the top of his lungs. "What the fuck just came out of your shithole of a mouth huh? Which one of you just said that!?" He took a few strides towards the group of five boys making most of them flinch back in fear. All except for one guy.

"I said it, cause it's true." The boy said, his arms crossed over his chest. He wasn't looking for a fight it seemed, he just wanted to talk shit. " Even a blind man can see that they're out of your league dude." He told Bakugou with a relaxed smile. "Am I wrong?"

"Fuck you asshole..." Bakugou spat but then he stayed quiet for a moment, his angry expression not dissipating. His fists stayed shaking and clenched at his sides.

The boy raised his eyebrows but before he could say anything else you took it upon yourself to end this little conversation.

"Now listen here you little punk!" You said, pointing your finger in his face. "Katsuki and I are equals in our relationship, so why don't you just shut the fuck up? Ok?" You spun on your heel, reached over, and tugged on Bakugou's shirt sleeve. You didn't even turn back to see they boy's reaction. "C'mon Katsuki, we're going to be late!"

Bakugou blinked a few times before following you wordlessly. 

The rest of the walk to the theater was spent in awkward silence. You were too angry to speak and Bakugou seemed too dumbfounded to even form words. But you stopped walking for a minute, just to catch your breath which gave him a chance to speak.

"Y/n, you're a real spitfire you know that?" Bakugou said, grinning down at you. His red eyes had lost all of their usual anger and instead they were full of genuine softness. "I-I can't believe you told that guy off like that."

"Pfft, you started it. I was just helping you out." You replied with a grin of your own. It was true that Bakugou was usually the one who would lash out at complete strangers but what that guy said was something you couldn't let slide. "Sorry I just...reacted in the moment."

Bakugou scowled when you said that and he threw his arm over your shoulder. You stumbled a bit and laughed. "Don't say you're sorry, I really...I really fucking like what you said."

Your eyes met and you smiled at him from ear to ear. "Good, cause I meant it." You reached up to touch his face and he turned his face a bit more so his lips met yours easily. There was nothing more to say to each other, everything was being conveyed by just one kiss.

"Let's go Katsuki...now we're really gonna be late." You whispered to him when he broke the kiss and your faces were still inches apart.

"Damn, alright let's go!" He said, taking your hand in his and pulling you into a fast run. The two of you ran so fast, it felt like you were flying.

It was times like these that you felt the closest to your boyfriend. You knew who the real Bakugou was and you couldn't care less about what anyone else thought about him.   

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