Nejire Hado x Reader: Beautiful Hero

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You all know that I love writing for the girls and underappreciated characters, so when Nejire was requested my heart kind of skipped a beat! ^_^ For this oneshot the reader will be a student in the support department. Enjoy!

"Y/n you look tired! Oh! What are you working on? That look dangerous, oh what are you doing now?"

"I'm just putting the finishing touches on that accessory you requested." you explained, tightening the tiny bolts to the ends of the swirly horns. "There we go!"

You displayed your handiwork to the blue haired girl and her face brightened incredibly fast. She took the horns gingerly and smiled.

"So I just put them on?"

"Yep! They're just an accessory." you said and she put on the horns like they were a headband. She winked at you shamelessly and grinned when you blushed in response.

"How do I look y/n?" she asked you, twirling around gracefully.

"You look perfect Nejire-chan." you replied breathlessly. She raised an eyebrow at you, surprised that you were using her hero name but her cheeks became slightly red.


Beep beep! Beep beep!    

"Oh, Nejire. Your phone..."

"Must be Ryukyu...hang on." She said as she pulled out her ringing phone from her bag. "Hello? What really!? Ok...ok I'll go right now then...alright!" Nejire said, immediately hanging up her phone.

"Everything alright?" you asked, worry in your voice and Nejire just smiled at you and shook her head.

"Nah, just a small time villain. It's fine I promise, but I gotta run!" she said as she gave your cheek a quick peck. "Don't get into trouble while I'm gone."

"I promise I won't." you said crossing your fingers together behind your back. Nejire ran out of the room and you sighed, sad that she didn't spend that much time with you.

But at least she has those cute horns...ugh like those will help...



"Don't worry Ryukyu I got 'em!" Nejire yelled out to her mentor Ryukyu, her eyebrows furrowing as she felt exhaustion set in and hinder her movements somewhat. She was breathing hard, but she had excellent stamina so this wasn't too much of a problem.

Well, if she was being totally honest she did  completely underestimate the villain. She sent shock-wave after shock-wave of energy towards the villain but they were deflecting her attacks because of pure strength. They had a size-manipulation quirk which was proving to be more difficult than she had thought it would be.

Damn! I never did well with 'big villains.' Damn it!

"Nejire-chan watch out!!" Ryukyu screamed, flapping her wings and creating a huge gust of wind which pushed Nejire out of the way just as the villain's fist collided with the pavement. Nejire toppled over and tried to catch her breath. A guttural cry tore through her throat as she felt an extremely sharp pain surge through her thigh.

She looked down and realized a small throwing knife was stabbing the side of her thigh. With a grunt, she pulled it out quickly and looked over at her assailant. The huge villain was finally pinned down by Ryukyu, but he was smiling eerily at Nejire.

"Looks like I got you."


Two hours later: U.A. High  

"How is she doing Recovery Girl?"

"I patched up her leg, but I think she's still pretty shaken up. Go easy on her y/n." the old hero said in a kind but firm voice.

"Don't worry I will." you said somberly, and she nodded as she opened the door to the recovery room. Nejire was looking out the window from her bed, her blue hair looked messy and there were multiple bandages on her arms and face. "Nejire, are you--"

"Y/n! What's up? How're you doing? Did I miss anything at school?" She asked you, her face immediately brightening up. "Hmm? What's wrong y/n, why the long face?"

"I-I just, was worried about you Nejire. A-Are you alright?" you asked her, trying not to break what little composure you had left. She laughed joyfully and clutched her stomach, before squeaking in pain.

"Hahaha. Jeez...I'm still a little sore...but you're funny y/n. I promised you I would be fine didn't I?"

"Y-Yeah...and I promised you I wouldn't get in trouble." you replied, giving her a strained smile. But she wasn't fooled by you smile and she didn't seem to like it. Her eyebrows knitted together and she pouted.

"Y/n, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

"Of course I'll worry about it Nejire! You're a beautiful hero and I'm just a support techie, so I'm not usually there for you out there. So don't tell me not to worry because I'll always worry about you because I...I...I love you!!"

There was a momentary pause before Nejire spoke up, her voice still maintaining its usual teasing tone. "Y/n, I wanted to tell you that first! But since you said it first...I love you too!"

"Oh really? When did you want to tell me you loved me?"

"Hmph! I was gonna tell you this morning when you gave me my horns, but then it was time to be a hero." she said, and you giggled.

"Well, that doesn't seem that romantic to me."

"Hey this isn't very romantic either...nah it actually is. Can you come here...I wanna kiss your cute face." she said grinning, while you stood still and blushed awkwardly.

"Y-You're embarrassing me..."

"Pfft, but we're alone!"


She outstretched her hand and you took it, gladly walking towards her. You leaned over the bed and Nejire affectionately kissed your forehead and cheeks before moving to your slightly parted lips. Your hands tangled in her blue hair as you deepened the kiss, and she cupped your face gently.

Nejire broke the kiss momentarily and said breathlessly, "You might be a support techie y/n, but you're my support techie."

"Ha, and you might be a beautiful hero but you're my beautiful hero."   

"I wouldn't want it any other way!"

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