Kirishima Eijirou x Reader: Manly Hero Team!

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More Kiri has arrived, in a confession scenario!! This was a request, and let me just say I have a few more requests I need to get done. I have all of them as drafts right now so just keep a look out for any of them if you requested ^_^ For this oneshot the reader's quirk will be a type of clairvoyance, which helps them navigate in the city really well. Enjoy!

"Ok...we have to turn right on Woodland Road. Right here!" you ordered, running ahead of Kirishima. Your heart hammered in your chest, the adrenaline of chasing a villain was pumping you up. Kirishima followed close behind, his skin already beginning to harden.

Working as interns for Fatgum was exciting and fighting villains was absolutely thrilling for you, and you were happy that Kirishima was there with you.

"We'll cut him off and beat him up! Let's do this in a manly way y/n!"



Fatgum read off your report from behind his desk and sighed, pinching the bridge of his huge nose. You and Kirishima both sat rigid in your chairs, knowing what was coming next. "Ok, first one...destruction of property--"

"Actually the villains destroyed that bakery not us, Fatgum sir. I mean, we kind...made it worse I suppose." you said, your body tensing up when Fatgum looked over at you. You never liked giving reports of villains, so Kirishima usually typed them up. But being interviewed about them made your anxiety worsen tenfold.

"Ok I'll let that one one is and I quote 'yelling and cursing so loudly it probably woke up my comatose neighbor.' That one is from an eyewitness who saw you and Kirishima tackle the two villains.  Another eyewitness said 'couple goals' and then started to clap slowly."

You nudged Kirishima with your elbow, and glared at him. "I told you not to put that part in there."

"I had to! It was funny."

"I mean yeah it was, but it's also embarrassing."

"It's only embarrassing if you let it be--"

"Both of you please stop. I need ya both to listen to me, and listen carefully." Fatgum interjected, and you and Kirishima both quieted down. "Y/n, you transferred here in your second year because you were recommended by your last agency. Since then you and Kirishima have become an unstoppable team which is great!"

"Thank you Fatgum sir!" Kirishima said, grinning widely and displaying his sharp teeth. Fatgum smiled at him, albeit a bit tensely.

"But you both have let to learn to be...patient? Or at least develop more of a stable strategy, if you guys want to keep working together as a hero team." Fatgum said, and you nodded in agreement. "Hero teams can be so great and powerful, and I think ya both need to work on a strategy. So, I'm letting you two off early so you can go train together. Have fun!"

"Yessir Fatgum!!" you both responded simultaneously, and with that the meeting was over.


"Alright y/n! Let's work on our...communication skills!" Kirishima exclaimed, grinning over at you while you both walked home. You shrugged completely indifferent to the idea. "Oh, well that's pretty boring huh?" Kirishima said. 

You both had taken Fatgum's advice and trained...except you both did combat and quirk training, not team training. But little details like that didn't matter to you.

"We have great communication skills Kirishima! I mean we even finish each other's..."

"Phrases!!" Kirishima yelled out, clenching his fist and looking towards the sky. You shrugged, figuring that that was close enough.

"And we respect each other. Maybe Fatgum is wrong?" you said, frowning a bit. You knew full well that Fatgum was almost never wrong.

"Well, we do get pretty carried away when we're battling it out with bad guys." 

"Yeah, but we're best friends so of course...that's gonna happen. I mean I don't know Kiri, I don't know what the right answer is." you said, getting more confused by the minute.

"Yep we're best friends!" Kirishima said, his red eyes darting around quickly. You noticed that he was refusing to look at you which surprised you. He had never been shy around you before.


"But since we're best friends, don't you think we would be...a good match-up?" he said, his face turning a deep scarlet but his eyes bore into your own with a fiery intensity you had never seen before.

"What do y-you mean a good match-up? We're already a hero team..."

"Only if you want to y/n! I just thought like...a a couple." he began, and he stopped walking momentarily. "We're compatible enough to be a couple, and I think you're beautiful and smart and you make me so happy! You've always made me happy y/n, and I really really  love you for that. We--we...I don't know. I just wanted you to know how I feel, cause that's the manly thing to do. It's what you deserve."

"We should!" you exclaimed, your face burning up as your heartbeat quickened. He licked his lips and began to smile at you. 

"Y-You think so?"

"Y-Yeah! I mean I think you're amazing what do we have to lose? L-Let's be a couple Kirishima!" you said, with more passion than you believed you were capable of and before you could say anything more, Kirishima's strong arms enveloped your body and pulled you close to him. 

His scent was familiar and comforting to you, pine and sharp cinnamon, but when you were this close to him it was almost overpowering.

Soon though, you relaxed into his touch and nuzzled your face into his shoulder. You felt him place a gentle kiss on the side of your head, and you tightened the hug. Everything had just fallen into place all of a sudden, and it was perfect. 

"Y/n...pfft, wait till we tell Fatgum about this."

"Haha, he probably will say 'uh this isn't what I meant by training' or something like that." you said jokingly and Kirishima chuckled.

"Well, that doesn't matter anyway. We'll be the manliest hero team ever y/n! I'm sure of it!"

"Hell yeah Kiri!"

Meanwhile at Fatgum's Agency

"Hey Suneater...I think I might be very wise! I bet y/n and Kirishima are training their little eyeballs out!"

Amajiki wrung his hands together, knowing full well about Kirishima's major crush on you but he didn't want to disclose that information to Fatgum until Kirishima could.  So, he decided to just agree with everything Fatgum was saying.

"Y-Yeah they probably are training really hard right n-now."

"And it's all because I pushed them to do it. Today I feel like a good role model!"


"Man, you all are great interns! I'm lucky to have you all work here." Fatgum said joyfully, walking over to the fridge to get a fifth snack before dinner.

"Y-Yes we are p-pretty great."

Oh god Kirishima, you better confess to y/n soon! I don't know how much longer I can keep this up...

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