Shoji Mezo x Reader: Harmony

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Shoji was requested and I'm so happy that the underappreciated characters are getting more love! ^_^ For this oneshot, the reader will have a quirk that allows them to breathe a gas that can paralyze someone for five minutes. But the amount of gas that they can create lessens with how much they use in a certain time span. This takes place once they are both pros. Credit to The_Shouji_Kingdom on tumblr for the fanart! Enjoy!

"Damn it!! I've lost sight of him Shoji!"

"I haven't! He's running down this street!" Shoji yelled, his tentacle arms spread out like wings as they surveyed the area. This should have been an easy capture, you both had thought that this villain was surrendering. But then he made a run for it, which was a real pain for you and Shoji. You had hoped you two could get home early for dinner, but that plan didn't seem to be working out now.

It was an especially busy day too, because it was the weekend and you both were patrolling the shopping district which, in hindsight, was not a smart idea.

As you and Shoji rounded the corner, you saw only one man running quickly down the busy street. "There he is!" Shoji said, and you nodded.

"Stop right there! We know it was you who robbed that store!  We are pro heroes!" you yelled at the guy, who just kept on sprinting down the street. You and Shoji kept him in your sights, as you maneuvered past people as quickly as you could. Several people gasped and pointed at you three, excited that they could be a part of a high speed land chase. 

Damn it! I can't just use my quirk right now and knock out all these civilians...what should I do?

Your quirk was definitely not suited for crowded spaces; it could end up injuring civilians if it wasn't used right. You had to think of a strategy!

"Shoji, you run ahead and keep following him. I'll cut him off!" you yelled at him, and he narrowed his eyes and nodded his head at you in approvement.

"Let's get this guy y/n."


With that, you and Shoji parted ways for now. You took off down an alley, and scaled a chain link fence that was in your way. You breathed in and out, preparing your body to use your quirk. The knockout gas that you could breathe out was powerful, but the gas tasted like sour bread and it smelled even worse. You had often wondered if people were just knocked out because of the smell alone.

You landed on the hard concrete, and swiftly ran down the alley. You charged out of the alley, and sure enough you ended up right behind the villain. His eyes widened at your surprise entrance, and he pulled out a small knife from his sweatshirt pocket.

"It's over asshole!" you said, breathing out and blowing a light blue gas in his direction. His eyes widened in horror at your surprise attack, and he tried to back away but fell over in the process. He was obviously pretty new at this whole villainy business. As he hit the ground he tried to catch his breath and inhaled a big gulp of the blue gas. His entire body began to cease moving as your fast-acting quirk took hold.

However, before he was completely incapacitated he threw his small knife directly at you. You flinched and ducked your head, trying to dodge the weapon as quickly as you could.

But, in a sudden flurry of movement, a huge figure stepped in front of you shielding you from the knife. The figure whipped around and punched the villain right in the face, before turning to face you.

"S-Shoji!? A-Are you ok??" you asked him. He grunted and doubled over, clutching his chest tightly. Your heart nearly stopped from fear as you knelt in front of him. Whatever happened, it was all your fault. This was your plan, and he was your responsibility. Damn it! 

"Shoji! Talk to me...are you ok!?" you asked him again, desperation seeping into your voice.

"Y/n...pfft, I think we're gonna have to add this knife to our collection at home." he said, laughing softly. You raised an eyebrow and he held out one of his tentacle arms in front of your face. It was holding the knife, un-bloodied and clean...



At the end of the day, the only person who was actually injured was the villain. And all he had was a nice black and blue bruise on his eye, courtesy of Shoji.

You were extremely tired, from the physical exhaustion of the patrol mission to the emotional trauma of Shoji's joke. You and Shoji headed home as soon as you were both off patrol for the day. Your eyes nearly drooped closed as Shoji hailed a cab for you two.

Night had fallen, and the city lights illuminated the busy streets and reflected off the glass windows of the huge skyscrapers that surrounded you and him. Shoji looked down at you, and closed his eyes for a moment.

"You look really beautiful y/n." he said opening his eyes, and you suddenly felt really grateful that it was dark out, so that way he couldn't see you blushing. His compliments always caught you off guard, even after all this time you two had been together.

"Y-You look great too Shoji. Thank you for...protecting me. And not just protecting me today, you've just always been there by my side, and I'm really grateful. I love you so much."

"I love you too y/n. And I'll always protect you y/n. And you'll always protect me too. That's why we're such a awesome team." he told you, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine, despite the warmth in the summer air.

You smiled at him, and motioned for him to come closer to you. He obliged, his dark eyes contrasting beautifully with his silver hair as he leaned down slightly. You stand up high on your tiptoes, brushing his long bangs out of his face. Pressing gentle kiss to his warm forehead, you chuckled softly.

"We'll always be an awesome team sweetie. Now let's get home and eat. I'm starving!"

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