Romero Fujimi x Reader: Being Thoughtful

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Zombie boy Fujimi was requested and for some context he only appears in the "Training of the Dead" OVA (which is a great OVA by the way). Sooo, yeah there's like little to no content on him...which is good for me because I get to write that content!! Enjoy!   

"Fujimi! Don't use your quirk right--" Sekigai yelled, her blue eyes widening from behind her silver glasses. Tadan looked absolutely terrified and was sweating up a storm and Mongoose just closed her eyes and waited for what was going to come. 

You cursed under your breath realizing that even though Fujimi was technically on your team, he still had no choice but to turn you into a zombie. His pink gas would quickly infect everyone in the entire training area, including his own damn team! 

Sure enough, Fujimi had already activated his quirk despite Sekigai's orders not to and his pink gas was quickly spreading throughout the field. You tried to cover your mouth and hold your breath, but it was useless.

Damn it! We are supposed to be a team!

Your eyes began to water and your vision became blurry as you began to lose consciousness. Fujimi's quirk sucked... 


One hour later

You and the rest of your team had finally recovered from Fujimi's zombie-making quirk, and you were all resting in the "recovery room" which was basically just a room with a few beds and some water.

Isami High School often made your class form teams and participate in facilitated battles. You were usually on a team with Fujimi but lately he had been more reckless with his quirk. Which meant you, Sekigai, Mongoose, and Tadan have all turned into zombies more than you all would have liked to.

It also meant that you rarely got to use your own quirk, which annoyed you to no end. How were you supposed to improve when Fujimi was always the one in the limelight because of his flashy quirk?

You decided to talk about your frustrations with Fujimi, and see if he could back off and let you and the rest of your team have a little spotlight.

"Do you think talking to him is a good idea Mongoose?" you asked as you stretched your legs out on the tiny bed you were laying on. Mongoose clicked her tongue and looked over at you from her own bed.

"I think the only one he'll listen to is you y/n. I think he's always had a soft spot for you."

You felt the heat rush to your cheeks and you quickly averted your eyes from her golden reptilian ones. She was just saying that because he always walked you to the recovery room after he turned you into a zombie. But you thought that was just because he felt guilty (maybe) not because he liked you in any special way.

"E-Either way...I'll definitely confront him about this!" you said, smiling weakly at Mongoose. She stuck her tongue out and hissed softly.

"Good luck..."

The most relaxed time at Isami High School was lunchtime. You didn't have to worry about winning any battles and you could just lounge around with your friends as you pleased. But today was different.

You approached Fujimi when he was standing in line for pudding. As you tapped his slumped shoulder, you felt your heart race. Confrontation was never your strong suit, but ironically you always seemed to be the one who had to confront people.

Fujimi turned around and grunted in response to your tap. "What is it y/n? Want to congratulate me for pushing our team to first place huh?" he asked, the corners of his lips rising into a devilish grin. You scoffed and folded your arms across your chest.

"Actually no...but it kind of has something to with what happened today." you said. He rolled his eyes and reached over the counter to get the last chocolate pudding cup. Several people in line booed and groaned because of this, but Fujimi didn't seem to care at all.

He smirked and motioned for you to follow him, which you gladly did. You didn't exactly want to stick around the angry crowd of students that Fujimi had created.

He chose a nice seat by a small window overlooking the training grounds and slammed his food down on the table. "Man I'm beat! That training was frickin' tiring!"

"Yeah about that--"

"Hey are you gonna eat your chips? I'll trade you my cookie!" he interjected, and you nervously twirled your hair around your finger while you bit your bottom lip.

"I want my chips! And I want you to stop turning me into a zombie all the time! I never get a chance to use my own quirk...and it's not just's everyone on our team. Please just...give us a chance and trust us!!" you blurted out, practically yelling by the time you finished your little speech. Fujimi appeared taken aback by your words, but he tried to hide it as best as he could.

He cleared his throat and frowned at you from across the table. "Tch! What you just said took a lot guts y/n! I like that!" he exclaimed, tossing his hands in the air dramatically. You sighed in relief. Maybe he would actually agree with you! 

"But I honestly don't see the problem...I mean our team always wins anyway so what's the big deal?" he continued and you gritted your teeth. He really didn't get it.

"T-The big deal is that we all wanna be heroes! And we all feel like we are not being challenged enough because you never let us do anything and that's incredibly frustrating to me--um I mean all of us! It's frustrating for all of us..."

Fujimi gazed at you, his dark eyes scanning your face intensely and you fidgeted in your seat. "I...know you want to be a hero y/n. I-I'll try to be more...frickin' thoughtful!" he yelled, forcefully slamming his hands down on the table for emphasis. If you weren't so surprised by what he said you probably would have laughed.

'Frickin' thoughtful'...pfft! What the hell am I supposed to say to that!?

" than--"

"And since I'm a new person that I'm thoughtful you know...canyougoonadatewithme?" he mumbled quietly which was completely unlike him. You gave him a small smile and leaned back in your seat as you finally got comfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that last part you said. Can you repeat it?" you asked him, as your smile grew bigger and bigger. You might've actually heard what he said, you just wanted to hear it properly.

"Shit...I said--you--me--do you want to go on a date with me!?" he repeated, louder and clearer this time, and now it was your turn to slam your hands on the table.

"I'd love to Fujimi!!" you exclaimed, trying to ignore the throbbing in your hands. Fujimi grinned back at you leaning forward slightly.

"I'm going to...kiss your cheek now. Don't hit the table y/n."

"I wouldn't dream of it Fujimi..." you breathed, closing your eyes slowly. You felt Fujimi's warm breath tickle your face as he leaned closer, and finally you felt his rough lips brush over your cheek softly.

You cocked your head to the side suddenly, feeling an unfamiliar urge take hold. Your body felt like it was on fire but at the same time you felt an overwhelming sense of calm take over. It was absolutely electrifying!

 Your lips met his in a short but wonderful kiss, and you heard him grunt in surprise. He pulled away first, his face tinged with a dark shade of red because of the intimate moment you two just had.

"S-Shit...I could get used to that y/n..."

"Me too Fujimi. Me too."

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