Midoriya Izuku x Reader: Why Him?

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Another love triangle was requested, this time with Midoriya and Bakugou. Obviously Midoriya prevails because of the title, but I hope this is still interesting to read. Enjoy!

Middle School

"Hey Midoriya, did you hear that they're re-releasing that All Might documentary? I don't remember when it was made, but it's that famous one of him and Shield."

"Oh my gosh! That was during his prime years y/n! I'm so excited, they remastered it and everything. It's so cool!" Midoriya said, his face breaking into a huge smile. You quickened your pace and walked in front of him, your lips curling into a smile.

You loved talking to him about heroes because he always seemed to brighten up, especially since Bakugou had been so rude to him lately. You had often wondered what had happened between the two of them but whatever it was it had to stop eventually right?

"I'm going to watch it in theaters, wanna go with me?"

"S-Sure!" He said, looking a little flustered by your question. His cheeks turned red and he cast his eyes downwards towards the ground. "Y/n i-is this l-like--"


The two of you immediately tensed up at that familiar angry voice but Midoriya tried to seem unaffected by the blonde boy who was taking long strides towards the two of you. Bakugou looked angry as usual and you knew that all of it was directed at Midoriya. Surprisingly he had never really gotten mad at you before which you were grateful for, but that didn't mean you were going to let him bully Midoriya right in front of you.

"H-Hey Kacchan, what's up?" Midoriya asked him. Bakugou scoffed and glared at Midoriya with such fierceness that made even you flinch back.

"What's up? You know what the fuck is up! You applied to U.A. High you shitty nerd!" Bakugou roared, narrowing his red eyes.

"Newsflash Bakugou, all three of us applied to U.A. High. It's the best hero school in Japan." you said with a roll of your eyes. "We'd be idiots not to apply."

"You're not fucking quirkless y/n! Stay out of this!" Bakugou said, clenching his fists together. He was just becoming angrier and angrier but you were determined to just stop his little temper tantrum right here and now.

"Shut up Bakugou, just shut the fuck up!" you shouted at him, stepping in front of Midoriya so you could face Bakugou head on. You glared at him, and his crimson eyes widened. "Midoriya and I are going to be U.A. students and there's nothing you can do about it. Let's go Midoriya."

You turned on your heel, Midoriya matching your quick pace. Bakugou didn't try to stop you two. He just stared at you with his mouth wide open.


3 months later

You never thought about that about that fateful day much. You weren't aware of the effect that that day had on both of the boys involved but you were far too busy with trying to keep up with your 1-A classmates to worry about those two. They were all so talented and Midoriya had even surprised you with his new quirk!

He claimed that he was just a late bloomer but you had noticed All Might hanging around a bit more with him than the other students, so there must be some connection there. But either way you were just happy for him. He finally had a chance to be like the heroes he loved so much.

And Bakugou...well he was slightly more mellow now that some of the brave students in 1-A had befriended him. You were happy for Bakugou. It was good that he had some real friends instead of just random people that hung around him because they were too scared to confront him.

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