Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: Awake

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I am back from my short hiatus! Mwahaha now it's time to write ^_^ This is a request piece for waking up with Shinsou and since he has trouble sleeping I thought this would be cute. Also, this will kind of be from Shinsou's point of view which is different for me. Enjoy!

Shinsou sighed as the morning sunlight that filtered through the white curtains hit his eyes. Last night was the first night he had actually had a good night's sleep and it was all thanks to you. You had insisted that he drink some calming tea and you had pulled him close in a comfortable snuggle that he just couldn't resist.

The memory made him chuckle to himself. The effort you put into his health was truly commendable, he just wasn't used to someone caring for him so much. He stretched out his arm and felt around the bed for your warmth, eventually finding you nearly clinging to the side of the bed as you snored away, content with your position.

How can y/n sleep like that?

Shinsou wasted no time in carefully moving you away from the edge and back into his arms, all while making sure that you didn't wake up. For once he was happy to sleep in as long as he was with you that is. He rested his chin on your head and closed his droopy eyes. Just a few more minutes of uninterrupted sleep...that was all he wanted.

But then you woke up. "G'morning Shinsou." you whispered in his ear, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep with you sending shivers down his spine with just your voice. "What time is it?"

"Like 9 o''s too early y/n. Too tired to get up..." Shinsou said, tracing lazy circles on your shoulder. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. Hey Shinsou...I really like this."

"Like what?" he asked.

"This. Getting up with you, and seeing you in the morning." You gently cupped the side Shinsou's face. "I love you." You said with a smile.

Shinsou's sleepy eyes widened before returning to normal. "I love you too." He said as he leaned in for a quick kiss, but you instantly moved away with a chuckle.

"No Shinsou I have morning breath. It's gross."

"Doesn't matter to me y/n," Shinsou replied, "I'm still gonna kiss you properly." He rolled over so that he was hovering above your body and he captured your lips in his.

You smiled against his lips and he leaned back to gaze at you. Your cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink and your half-lidded eyes were clear and bright.

"W-What is it Shinsou?" You asked him, a small smile gracing your lips.

God, y/n is so beautiful!

"Your breath does stink y/n. You were right." Is what Shinsou opted to say instead. He rolled off the bed with a grin and felt your glaring eyes pierce the back of his head as he walked out of the bedroom.

I think that went well, he thought when he strolled into the bathroom to brush out his tangled hair. Not a bad way to wake up at all.

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