Kirishima Eijirou x Reader: Changing Love (Medieval Au)

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Kirishima as a shapeshifter? Medieval au? I think so!! I have a Todoroki request and a Kaminari request in the works too so keep an eye out for those ^_^ Enjoy!

The first time you saw him was by the great river near your town. His red spiky hair had water droplets dripping from it and his toned chest was bare and shirtless. You remember blushing hotly at the sight, not used to seeing people so under dressed.

But you never expected him to change form into a small red dragon and walk off like that! To say that you were shocked was an understatement. You thought that people with the ability to shapeshift were just a myth, but apparently the old storytellers were wrong.

Every day since then you walked to the river, hoping to catch a glimpse of the strange red-haired man but he hadn't shown up in a while. You had started to lose hope of ever seeing the strange shapeshifter again but when you arrived at the river he was there, the sun bathing him in warm glowing light.

He was shirtless again, but his dark pants looked almost new. His eyes were closed as he rolled his shoulders back and forth, the muscles in his back contracting and relaxing as he did. You had never seen anyone quite like him before and without thinking you took a few steps towards him, twigs cracking under your feet.

The man stopped stretching and your heart rate picked up. Damn it...

Before you knew what was happening he was behind you, his hot breath tickling your neck and ear, his strong hands placed firmly on your shoulders. "What are you doing here?" he asked you in a low voice.

"I-I always come here--"

"I know. I've noticed you watching me every time I come here. Do ya like what ya see?" he asked you, his voice turning more playful than what it had been. You chuckled awkwardly as you felt heat rise to your cheeks. You were painfully aware of his hands on you so you moved to face him.

He was grinning at you widely, his red eyes shining bright in the sun. You immediately felt at ease.

"I suppose I do like what I see...what's your name?" You asked, trying not to stammer from nervousness. His grin widened and you almost felt like you should shield your eyes. He was so bright.

"My name's Kirishima Eijirou! But you can call me...the Red Dragon!" He exclaimed. "I'm gonna be famous one day you know! You're looking at the next great adventurer! What's your name?"

"Y/n L/n. And I think you should be a bit more secretive about your shapeshifting powers Kirishima...people don't even know you're real."

"Oh I'm really real y/n! And I think you crave adventure to just like me. Am I wrong?"

You pressed your lips together because of his words. But you knew he wasn't wrong. "I just have one question Kirishima. I saw you turn into a dragon a while ago and you were really small...can you control your size?"

He laughed boisterously at you. "Of course I can! That's my stealth form...for stealth!" He explained. "Watch this y/n!"

Without much of a warning, Kirishima's eyes widened as dark red scales began to cover his skin. He let out a fierce roar that shook the trees around you and you fell to the ground in surprise. His full dragon form was huge, he was so much bigger than the few boats you had seen by the port which was the only thing you could think to compare him to.

He craned his neck and bowed his head. His yellow dragon eyes gazed at you with a fiery intensity and you were certain that he was saying 'I told you I could do it!'

"A-Alright Kirishima. You win...lets become the best adventurers this land has ever seen!"


A few months later

"Shitty hair for brains! You were reading the map wrong the entire time!! Shit!!!" Bakugou roared, effectively forcing you to cover your ears. But Kirishima just laughed at the angry blonde and shrugged it off.

"We're not lost we're just taking the scenic route Bakugou. Don't worry we'll get to the mountain range soon enough."

"We better!!" Bakugou shouted angrily before he stomped ahead of you and Kirishima. You chuckled along with Kirishima at Bakugou's antics.

"I'm glad he's on our team." You said. Kirishima nodded before reaching down and taking your hand in his.

His calloused hand fit perfectly in yours. After spending so much time traveling together, Kirishima was familiar to you. His scent, his strength, the gentle way he kissed was all second nature. You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, smiling up at him.

"Bakugou's really manly and all...but so are you y/n. I'm really glad you're here with me!" He said making you laugh.

"Thanks Eiji...I've always wanted to be manly." You managed to say through your laughter.

One thing was for sure. Traveling with Kirishima was never boring!

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