Hawks x Reader: Compromise

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Um how dare he look so fine when we still haven't gotten his real name??? The back cover of vol 20 hit me like a truck so here's a short oneshot to kind of blow off steam. This is from Hawks's point of view too. Enjoy!

He wasn't exactly sure when he had begun to fall for you. He wasn't sure when your relationship began to feel real to him. 

Maybe it was the first time you had smiled at him when his eyes met yours at his hero agency.

Or maybe it was when he was working late and you popped by his office to drop off some Chinese takeout you had ordered like the angel you were.

But it was probably when he first held your hand and kissed your sore knuckles gently after you had defeated a particularly nasty villain before he could fly to you to protect you. From that day forward he had vowed to protect you no matter what. He never wanted to see you get hurt.

So, why were tears rolling down your cheeks now as he stared at you with baited breath? Why were you struggling to form words to yell at him, why was this all happening?

Oh yeah, I missed our date again. I was busy with work...again, Hawks thought with a frown. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and he reached his hand up to caress your face but you smacked his hand away angrily.

"No Hawks. You don't get to just be all lovey-dovey and think that'll make up for this. We've re-scheduled this date like six times already, I'm sick of it!" You yelled at him, making him frown even more.

"I...I don't know what you're expecting y/n. You knew I was going to be busy with work a lot, I am the number two hero after all." He said, taking a step towards you. "We can have a nice night in, how does that sound?"

"Awful." you replied bluntly. "I'm going to bed."

"B-But it's still early...we should still talk about this--"

"There's nothing to talk about Hawks!" You said. With that you turned on your heel and went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind you with a bang. Hawks jumped slightly at the noise but once you were in the bedroom the house fell deathly quiet.

He paced around the living room for a bit, unsure of what to do. This was his first real fight with you and he was at a complete loss right now. Should he give you some space? Or should he enter the bedroom and talk to you?

He chose the latter option and he went over to the bedroom. The door opened quietly and Hawks squinted as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness of the room. You had turned all of the lights off and he saw your form under the puffy covers. So you really hadn't been joking about going to sleep.

Hawks noiselessly climbed into the bed, his wings spreading out so they draped over your body. He raised one wing so it lifted the blanket and you turned your heads towards him. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. You have every right to be mad at me...I just don't want you to be mad at me forever."

You gave a tired sigh and rolled over on your back. You aimlessly touched his feathers with a pout on your lips. "Stupid. I could never be mad at you forever. I'm just mad at you now." Hawks chuckled at you and moved closer.

He put his head down on the pillow and stared at you. "But I don't want you to be mad now."

"Hawks...you're right."

"I am? About what?" He questioned.

"I knew what I was getting into when we started dating...I just didn't know it would be this hard. I want to spend time with you but every time I think about how I'm pulling you away from work you know? When we're out on a date you could be rescuing someone...when you're here with me you could be out there...saving people." Your voice got quieter and quieter with every word you said but Hawks hung on to every word. "I guess I'm just being selfish."

Hawks leaned over, peppering kisses on your forehead and cheeks. "No you're not selfish y/n. You're human."

"Aw, thanks." You replied with a voice full of sarcasm (that Hawks absolutely adored).

"Psh I'm serious. You think I don't want to spend more time with you? Hell, even go on a vacation once and a  while? I'd love to...but I can't. At least not right now." He said, guilt rising in his chest.

But instead of turning away from him and leaving it at that you gave him the brightest smile he had ever seen. He blinked a few times and your tenderly touched his cheek, your thumb brushing over his jawbone.

"Then I'll wait. But it better be one hell of a vacation babe."

He laughed, smothering you in a tight bear hug. "You betcha!"

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