Neito Monoma x Reader: Wingman

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Monoma was requested and this was such an interesting request I just couldn't say no ^_^ For this oneshot the reader's brother will be Awase who has a crush on one of the girls in 1-A, and the reader is acting as a wingwoman for him. Meanwhile Monoma watches from the sidelines...enjoy!

You and your brother were polar opposites but that didn't mean you wouldn't help him with important things...he just had to name the right price. And your price was twenty dollars for you to get him the girl of his dreams, who was way out of his league in your opinion. But Yaoyorozu was really nice, and your brother wasn't terrible so you decided to help him.

You were his own personal wingwoman! It better be worth the twenty dollars...


Meanwhile Monoma was employing his own wingman for himself. Your own brother was helping him, but unlike you he did it for free.

"What are y/n's favorite things?" Monoma asked, pressing his lips together as he twirled his pencil around his fingers. "What would she absolutely love for a gift?"

Awase hummed and shrugged. "Anything that's shiny. Simple jewelry...oh and she loves animals! Especially big ones like whales and pterodactyls."

"Pterodactyls? Are you joking or...?"

"No. Like I've said before, I don't know why you're interested in my sister, she's totally weird...and sometimes not in the quirky cute way like in those romantic movies."

"You like those?"

Awase blushed darkly and shouted out,"No! It was just an example! An example!" Monoma nodded, a smirk pulling at his lips. He wrote down 'pterodactyls' and 'simple stuff' on a scrap piece of paper and shoved it in his pocket.

There was a moment of silence between the two boys before Awase spoke up. "Don't be nervous Monoma. Y/n...she'll definitely say yes."

"How can you be so sure. Everything you think she'll do she always does the opposite!" Monoma retorted.

"Y-Yeah but just trust me on this! You're a fine guy...she'll love being asked out by you. I think..." he muttered the last part so luckily Monoma didn't hear him. Both of the poor boys were nervous enough about asking out their crushes at around the same time, so it was for the best that Monoma didn't have any second thoughts.


As a student in 1-A, you were pretty close with Yaoyorozu since she was literally one of the nicest people you had ever met. So, you felt obligated to be honest with her about what was happening.

"Yaoyorozu...Awase is going to ask you out on a date, and I got paid twenty bucks to put in a good word for him." you began, your eyes looking into her dark ones steadily. "But if you don't want to go on a date with him that's fine. I can just tell him to stop."

Yaoyorozu mumbled a response that you couldn't catch but you could see a dark blush creep onto her cheeks. "Y/'s fine. I w-wouldn't mind going on a date with Awase." she said, practically in a whisper. You nodded, glad that you had done your part.

"Would it be alright if I didn't tell him that? I like seeing him nervous like this."

"Oh y/n! You're terrible...but alright." Yaoyorozu replied with a small smile. "Just don't tease him too much."

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