Tensei Iida x Reader: Young Love

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Tensei was requested (with a "back in time" sort of scenario) and lemme just say heck yeah! I love him so much he's such a good big bro. For this oneshot the reader's quirk will be "camouflage." Like a chameleon! Oh, and Present Mic and Aizawa are here too. Enjoy!

"Did the mail come yet?" You asked your mom frantically, as you continued to pace the living room. She raised an eyebrow at you and continued typing on her at the table.

"No it's only nine o'clock. And you took the exam yesterday sweetie, so I doubt they'd send an acceptance letter today."

You groaned and cupped your face in your hands. "S-So you think they'll send an acceptance letter huh?"

"They'd be crazy not to accept you! Just be patie--"

Suddenly you heard a knock on the door and you practically sprinted to the door. You opened the door and nearly tore open the tiny metal mailbox that was attached to the wall. Inside the mailbox was a small envelope with a U.A. High insignia on it!

"Mom! A-AAAHH! It's here!!" you yelled out, closing the door and running to where your mom was. "But I'm too scared to open it! Can you do it?" you asked, handing the envelope to her with shaky hands.

"Hoo boy. Alright let's see what we have here..." she said, taking the envelope and tearing it open without hesitation. A small cube fell out of the envelope and began blasting some quiet experimental jazz music.

A small hologram of a sitting Recovery Girl appeared, and she began talking very sweetly.

"Are you ready to hear the good news?" she asked you, clapping her hands together.

"I don't know!" you replied, wringing your hands together nervously.

"Congratulations on passing the U.A. entrance exam! I look forward to seeing you become a great hero. Plus Ultra!" she stated before the video cut abruptly to show you your rank in the exam.

A small green five flashed next to your name and you breathed out a sigh of relief. Five wasn't so bad especially since there were so many other people who had taken the exam. Your eyes scanned the ranks looking for a certain someone...

Oh my god! Tensei...he's...the number one!! 

You pointed excitedly at the screen and your mom nodded her head. "Good for him."

"I'm going to call him! This is amazing! We are both going to U.A. together!!"

"Good job y/n. I know you worked hard...oh and you're already on the phone...alright then."

Tensei's phone rang a few time before he picked up but before he could get a word in you were already yelling excitedly.

"Tesnsei!! Did you get the U.A. letter yet!?"

"Um, yeah I was just gonna open it now actually. Did you--"

"Oh my god!! Just open it already!"

"Ok ok, hang on...it's kinda hard to open...oof! Ok I got it...oh jeez what's with this horrible music?"

"It's jazz." you replied, stifling your laughter with your hand. "Tensei...did you see your rank?"

"Y/n...I got first place?? Y-You got 5th place...congratulations y/n!"

"I should be congratulating you future pro hero!" you replied excitedly and Tensei laughed loudly. You loved the way he laughed and how his eyes would crinkle at the sides when he smiled.

"Let's become heroes together!"

"Sounds good to me!"

You were just glad that you would be able to see his bright smile everyday at U.A. High.

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