Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: First Day

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Shinsou just deserves more love and recognition tbh. For this oneshot, the reader will have a simple super strength quirk where they get really tired and sore after overuse. Sorry if he feels ooc, this one was harder to write and I don't really know why :0 As always, enjoy!

Lately, you had been wondering if U.A. Academy was the right school for you. Ever since you got in, you had your doubts and it was barely the first day. You had always thought your quirk was boring and outright dangerous too. It was a stereotypical super strength type quirk, but you had trouble controlling when you could use it. Thanks to this unfortunate problem you have broken many plates, t.v. remotes, and bones (not your own).

 Being at U.A. reminded you about all of these unlucky events in your life due to your quirk and it also reminded you that you might never actually be a hero. Being a hero had always been your dream, no matter how far away that dream may be. Your lack of control with your quirk is what made you apply for U.A.'s department of general education in the first place. But when you made it in, you were definitely pleased with yourself, but you didn't feel especially happy.

You didn't feel excited to be placed in the general education department. But you figured you should at least give U.A. a chance. After all, you could be placed into the Hero Course if you impressed the right people. You shuffled down the huge school hallway craning your neck out as you tried to find Class 1-C.

Finally, a huge door and a sign with 1-C painted onto it caught your eye. Geez, I knew U.A. was big but this just seems gaudy! you thought as you almost burst out laughing.

You entered the classroom cautiously and tried to immediately find a seat in the middle of the room. Obviously, the middle is the best spot to sit at in a classroom. Your eyes scanned over a few empty seats in the middle and you decided to take a seat closer to the door. As you took some notebooks out of your backpack, you glanced at everyone else in the classroom. Everyone was pretty normal looking, definitely not as flashy as some of the other kids you saw in the hallway. 

Kids in the hero courses have to be flashy I suppose...

Just as you finished laying out your pencil, notebook, and water bottle on your desk the door to the classroom opened slowly. Thinking it was the teacher, you hurriedly opened your notebook and grasped your pencil.

But it wasn't the teacher. Instead, an aloof looking, tall, purple-haired boy sauntered into the classroom and took his seat right in front of you. He was the most striking person you had seen yet. Maybe it would be a good idea to tell him that! You felt your arm extend towards his back and you poked his shoulder softly. He quickly turned around and stared you down. His eyes had dark circles under them and were a light purple, just like his noticeable hair.

"Um, hi I'm y/n. But, whoever you are, shouldn't you be in the hero course?" you asked half joking. "I mean c'mon you've definitely got the looks." Gee! I'm such a great conversation starter if I do say so myself. 

His tired eyes widened for a minute before his aloof expression returned.

"Hi. Thanks for the compliment," he said. He abruptly turned around leaving you with your mouth hanging open. Tch!

You became irritated and poked him again. He turned around slower this time, his purple eyes clouding over in irritation too.

"You know, I wanna join the hero course! Maybe we could try to join it together. If you want to...I mean...I don't know." you blurted out as you started to lose confidence in your conversational skills.

"Hmmmmm no thanks I'd rather join the hero course by myself," he said smirking at you. "And my name is Shinsou Hitoshi...thanks for asking y/n."

This snarky little...  

"Fine! I was planning on going in alone anyway! That's fine. I just thought we could be friends or something" you exclaimed as your face grew red from embarrassment (or just from lack of having a good comeback to his sarcasm).

He raised his eyebrows and appeared to be pondering for a moment. "W-well I never said we couldn't be friends did I?" he mumbled almost inaudibly a slight blush tinging his cheeks.

You gaped at him and suddenly felt yourself blushing as well. You almost wished he would look away and turn around. Almost. 

He regained his composure and smirked. 

"Hmph! Well then, nice to meet you Shinsou," you said. "I hope we can both get into the hero course...together" you added.

"Mmm, I guess I could live with that situation, y/n." 

Maybe U.A. wasn't going to be as bad as you thought after all. 

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