Tsuyu Asui x Ghost!Reader: Kindness

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Interesting request for a ghost reader. You were a U.A. student that happened to die where the dorms were built, and Tsuyu catches your eye. Your dead eyes lol. Enjoy!

Being a ghost was pretty boring.

Sure you did your fair share of scaring people when they walked by the empty space that you haunted, but it did get old after awhile. You wished you could go somewhere else, but you still weren't strong enough as a ghost to do that. Other ghosts that had been dead for a long time could wander around and sometimes they even visited you but they always left after a few minutes.

But then the U.A. dorms were built and everything changed. Now you had an entire building to roam and haunt. Plus you had actual people trapped in the building with you, and you were going to make sure to scare them out of their socks! However, it was important to be subtle about your haunting or else they could vacate the building and you'd be left alone again.

So for now you just relished in the fact that you could finally watch television. One night you were hanging out above the couch, trying to test how long you could float when suddenly one of the students walked into the kitchen area for a late night snack.

Now's my chance! Time to scare 'em good!

You floated over to the kitchen, a huge smile creeping onto your lips. But when they closed to fridge you stopped in your floating tracks.

Oh no...she's cute! 

She was eyeing the strawberry that she had picked out of the carton before popping into her mouth with a satisfied smile. You stared at her unabashedly, trying to remember if you had seen her these past few days since the students had moved in. But she must keep a low profile because you didn't remember seeing her, and you knew you would've remembered her.

I wish I could talk to her! Oh wait, I can at least show her I'm here, you thought. Your eyes scanned the kitchen for something to knock over. You chose a plastic container that was sitting near the edge of the counter. If you just concentrated you could knock it over easily.

Here goes nothing!

You gathered up your strength and made your hand solid for a single second, smacking the plastic container which went flying across the kitchen. It landed with a loud thud and the girl looked up, her naturally large eyes getting even wider because of what she just witnessed.

"Is someone there?" she asked calmly, and you wanted so badly to tell her that you were here. But you couldn't so it was time to be creative.

You willed your foot to become solid and you kicked the fridge door, making a loud thumping sound. Surprisingly she didn't seem scared, in fact she seemed to grow calmer by the minute. "Are you a ghost? Tap the fridge once for yes."


"Oh, I've never met a ghost before! Hang on, I'm going to do something that will make talking easier." she said, smiling to herself as she darted away. She seemed so excited to talk to you, most people would be too scared to move at the thought of talking to a ghost.

I wonder what her idea is...


The next morning you were minding your own business as you lied face down on the kitchen floor when the girl walked in. "If you're still here, I finished my idea. Now we can talk a bit easier." she said, and you floated up in excitement. "Follow me."

You floated behind her a few paces and she led you to her room. You read the name plate near her door that said 'Tsuyu Asui' on it and you nodded to yourself.

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