Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Forgiveness (Part 1)

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Interesting request for Bakugou and a reader that he used to bully. But now they are equals at U.A. and he's changed (yaay character development!). For this oneshot the reader's quirk will be the ability to hear the thoughts of anyone they want to within a 50-foot radius. This request will be a two-parter so enjoy!

"Your quirk is so useless! How can you even fight with it!?"

"A-Any quirk can be strong--"

Bakugou slams his hand down on the desk next to you and sets off an explosion. You shield your face with your arms but you can still feel the heat from the blast. This is how it always is. If he's not picking on Midoriya, he's picking on you and today he cornered you after school. You uncover your face and your breath catches in your throat.

The top of the desk had been stained with a permanent black burn mark and you dared yourself to look up at Bakugou. His glare alone nearly made you jump in your seat but you stayed strong.

Deep down you knew he was just insecure about himself and one day, after you had trained yourself enough, you were going to slap some sense into him. But not today.

"Stop saying that bullshit! You know you'll never be a pro hero, so just give it up now!" He shouted, and you stayed quiet. 

He began to walk away when suddenly you just blurted out, "You're wrong!"

Oh god, why can't I just keep my mouth shut! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

As you were inwardly punching yourself, he turned around slowly a menacing glint in his fiery red eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?"

Well you had already said it. Might as well get through it. "I said you're wrong. Bitch."

Bakugou's eyes widened with rage and you made an instant beeline for the classroom door. You sprinted outside and ran all the way home. But you were glad you said what you did. It felt like just for a moment, a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.

When you got home you were breathless from running so hard. You did not even notice the letter on the kitchen table that was from U.A. High.


Bakugou never knew that you had taken the test to get into U.A. High. He only knew that Midoriya was trying to get into the legendary school. You barely passed the practical exam because you were up against giant robots. Luckily you were able to steal other people's "robot kills" and you aced the written exam. 

Despite your good luck up to this point it all came to a halt on the first day of school when you discovered that you were in class 1-A...with Bakugou.

He was sitting with his feet up on his desk like he owned the place, just like in middle school. His eyes met yours and you frowned. You knew what was coming next. Insults, yelling, and intimidation. You steeled yourself for it.

But Bakugou just stared at you and did not move an inch. You quickly took a seat as far away from him as possible and kept your head down.

The one person you completely hated was in your school, in your class, and you were supposed to act like everything was fine right?

"Damn it..." You muttered under your breath.

You tried to get through the rest of the day, relishing in the short freedom that lunchtime gave you. Eraserhead had given your class a difficult quirk test but luckily you only scored low on the ball toss. You thanked the stars that everything else on the test was pretty easy, but you were tired now and all you wanted to do was eat.

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