Enji Todoroki x Reader: Protection (Part 2)

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Back by popular demand here's the second part to Protection! (lol that's obvious based on the title) I hope he's not to ooc in this. Also the weapons that the villains have have been introduced in the manga but not in the anime. I hope that's not too confusing. Enjoy!

It had been a few weeks after the battle at the 13th district. Things had somewhat gone back to normal, and you went back to patroling the more populated parts of the city with Endeavor. 

But to you, ever since the 13th distirct battle, Endeavor seemed a bit distant. Sure you two would patrol together but he would barely talk to you. And whenever you suggested going alone to take out a villain, he would always glare and tell you that it wasn't a good idea.

You did not want to ask him if he was alright either, considering how on edge he already seemed. You decided that the more time that passed the less weird he would act and things could go back to the way they were. Unfortunately you were wrong.

Today was a particularly quiet day. No major incidents had been reported so far and everyone seemed to just be lounging around, you included. Even Endeavor had been pretty quiet today. 

Endeavor gave you some busy work though, filling out reports and such, but it was still a lazy day. 

You sighed and leaned back in your chair as you stretched your arms over your head. Suddenly Endeavor's office door busted open accompanied by Endeavor yelling out orders.

"There's been an attack downtown!! There are ten villains all armed and dangerous," he yelled as mostly everyone began to suit up and prepare to leave.

"I want three groups of five to surround the downtown area,  let's move out now!" he ordered as people began to file out of the office. "Y/n you're coming with me, let's go!" he ordered gruffly.

"Yes sir!" you said as you jumped out of your chair, excited to finally be able to do something.



You and Endeavor arrived on the scene quickly and immediately took in the situation. The ten villains who were armed had turned the violent situation into a hostage situation. They had captured three civilians and they were holed up in an abandoned three-story office building. They were also refusing to talk to the police. Apparently, they only wanted to talk to Endeavor.

"What are they armed with? And what are their quirks?" you asked one of the policemen near you. 

"We don't know their quirks but they have guns that can take your quirk away," he explained tersely.

Guns? The villains at the 13th district had guns too, hmmm but I never got fully hit by a bullet. Could they be the same people? Did some manage to get away?

"I AM ENDEAVOR A PRO HERO! LET THE HOSTAGES GO AND I WON'T HAVE TO FIGHT YOU MYSELF!" Endeavor yelled using a police megaphone. His booming voice yanked you from your thoughts as you tried to come up with a viable strategy.

Suddenly you heard screaming coming from the third floor of the office building. The policemen gasped as a woman was pushed out of the window. 

"I GOT THIS!" you yelled as you activated your quirk.

Before anyone could even blink you had teleported under the falling civilian, caught them in your arms, and teleported back to where you were before.

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