Denki Kaminari x Reader: Loneliness

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I haven't written for this derpy boi in a while, and I remember someone had requested this cute scenario with him weeks ago. For this oneshot, you and Kaminari will be second years and will be in different classes. Sorry, I haven't been updating as much, I've been super busy this summer ~_~ But I'll hopefully get back into my normal routine soon! Enjoy!

No one had warned you that being in a relationship with someone would make you feel so many different things. Of course, you knew that couples loved each other, got angry with each other, and had fun together but what you were feeling right now was entirely different. 

You felt lonely.

Lately, you and Kaminari seemed to be on totally different schedules. You were in class 2-B now but Kaminari was in Class 2-A, and while that used to work for you two in your first year at U.A. High, it was not working out that well for your second year. The increasing pressures of being second-year U.A. students was setting in and there was hardly any time to do anything except go to school and train. 

Whenever you were free to spend time with him he couldn't spend time with you and vice versa. It made you miss him more than ever which wasn't something you struggled with during the first year of your relationship.

He had always been available and you had taken that for granted.

Today was the first day you two had a couple of free hours to spend together, and you couldn't be happier. You had cleaned up your dorm room, almost like this was your first date and you were trying to impress him.

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and huffed as you pushed a few dirty piles of clothes under your bed. 

There! I'm all ready to see him!

As soon as he opened the door to your dorm room you threw your arms around him and hugged him like you never wanted let him go.

"Denki! You're finally here!" You exclaimed, pure joy in your voice, and you began to pepper his face with light kisses as he laughed softly at you.

"I missed you too," he managed to say despite your affectionate attack. He cupped your face in his soft hands, making you stop kissing him for a moment. You pouted because you were far from done giving him affection. "Sorry, I just wanted to look at you. I don't know how you've managed it y/n, but you've gotten even prettier than the last time I saw you. How the heck did you manage that?" He kissed your lips and you broke out into a wide smile.

You giggled and ruffled his messy bright yellow hair with one hand. His soft strands of hair moved through your fingers like silk itself, and you relished in the feeling of touching him. You missed being so close to him and being able to touch him gently like this. 

"I don't know, you might be seeing things. I think you're definitely more handsome though now that I look at you." You kissed his cheek and took his hand in yours. "I really did miss you though, I feel like we haven't seen each other in so long. It really sucks to be honest."

"It's actually been one week and three days, plus seven hours," Kaminari responded, lifting your hands and kissing each of your small knuckles. "I've literally been counting down the days, that's how much I'vemissed you. This is...a lot harder than I thought it would be. I don't know how long-distance couples do it!"

"I know right! It's so hard!" You complained, tightening your arms around him. "But I'm glad you're here now, what did you want to do? Play video games? Or we can go eat something if you want to."

"I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you." He said and your heart nearly burst from how sweet he was being. "How about we hang out for a bit, then we can go get something to eat?"

"Sounds great!"

You kissed him one more time before turning away from him so you could flop down on one of the two red beanbags that you had put in one corner of your room. Kaminari walked over to you and stood next to you.

Oh my gosh! He's so cute! I wish I could just kiss him for hours!

In spite of your thoughts, you summoned all of your self-control and looked up at him with a sweet smile. "How's training been going?" You asked him. He squatted down with a mischievous smile on his lips which made your face grow a little warm. His eyes were only on you and you loved it. "What is it?"

"You just look so damn cute and I've missed you so much. Y/n, all I want to do is kiss you right now." He said, his warm yellow eyes staring deep into your own eyes with such earnest emotion that you were struck speechless for a few seconds. He raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing! I was's weird because I just had that exact thought. That I want to kiss you even more right now."

You motioned for him to join you on the beanbag with a little wave of your hand. He complied without saying a word and kneeled in front of you, his hands going to your face and pulling you closer to him. Everything about him made you feel less lonely from his smell, citrus and rain, to how gentle his touch was. 

His lips were on yours, kissing you like this was the last time he could, and your heart fluttered with happiness.

With every kiss he gave you the loneliness that had plagued you this week chipped away until all you felt was pure love for the boy in front of you.

As long as he can make me feel this happy when I see him, we can get through anything! 

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