Denki Kaminari x Reader: Nice

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Oof my first request since opening them! For this request, the reader will be Bakugou's sister but unlike Bakugou she's quiet and shy (like their dad). For this oneshot, the reader's quirk will be like Bakugou's except the explosions will be smaller and more controlled. Enjoy!

Your brother Bakugou was well known around U.A. High for good or bad, you still were not sure. In the eyes of his classmates, he was one of the strongest students there. But in your opinion, he was a real jerk. Especially when he would hog up space on the good chair at the house, or always yell first thing in the morning, or eat all of the ice cream and then leave the empty container in the freezer.

Little things like that made him a frustrating person to share a house with. Plus, since you were way more soft-spoken than him, you were always in his shadow. Even if your quirks were practically the same.

But you were fine with being in his shadow, it was more peaceful that way. At least until a certain golden-haired boy noticed you in Bakugou's shadow. And he made it his mission to pull you out of it.


You and Bakugou walked into the classroom a bit earlier than usual and only a few other students were in the classroom with you two. Surprisingly, Kaminari was here too. He usually cut it close when it came to being on time. His bright yellow eyes trained themselves on you immediately after you walked in, but you tried to ignore him.

He was always so loud and bright, it made your eyes hurt. Plus he was a notorious flirt.

You put your stuff under your desk and sat down when Kaminari suddenly made a quick beeline for your desk. "Hey y/n! How's it hanging?" He asked, leaning on your desk like he was trying to seem cooler than he actually was.

"It's...hanging fine?" You replied. You could almost feel the awkwardness in your voice but that did not seem to phase Kaminari at all, in fact, his smile just grew brighter.

"That's great! Hey, I wanted to ask you's something that's been bugging me lately about you. Just answer me honestly though."

You raised an eyebrow, your curiosity was now peaked. "Ok. What is it?"

He leaned closer to you like he was afraid of your classmates (and brother) overhearing him. "Wanna go out with me, maybe grab a bite to eat or something? I'd like to know more about you y/n." Your eyes widened in surprise and your mouth fell open. This couldn't possibly be happening. Kaminari noticed your surprised expression and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.  "N-Not in a creepy way... I'm just curious I mean I don't know if you feel the same way."

There was a moment when you almost felt your brain short circuit because you were so unsure of what to do in this situation. People rarely sought you out to be friends much less to be their girlfriend. But maybe you were overthinking this.

"Um, sure. I-I'd like to go out to eat, i-it sounds fun. But I'm pretty boring so...I don't know why y-you would want to know more about me. A-Are you sure you don't just wanna hang out with Katsuki?"

Kaminari's smile faltered and his eyes narrowed. "No, I don't. I want to spend time with you, only you y/n. Besides, I don't believe that you're boring as you say. So...wanna go out today? What do you like?"

You paused. "I like hamburgers..."

"Great!" He said loudly enough for Bakugou and the others to look your way. Luckily he didn't seem to care and he just beamed down at you. You thought that his smile was brighter than the sun itself and you wondered if you should look away or risk going blind.

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