Todoroki Shoto x Reader: Beauty

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Wow! Here's another Todoroki request this time for a chubby!reader. The reader's quirk will be elasticity and they can stretch into any shape they want to and also easily avoid attacks ( basically like Elastigirl). Enjoy!

"Woah Shoto! Don't you know how to hold back?!" you shouted as you narrowly dodged another ice attack the your boyfriend Todoroki made. 

"It's not that bad y/n," he replied preparing to strike you with his left side now, "after all you're avoiding all of my attacks anyway." He said, aiming a large fire blast at the ground near your feet. You chuckled and somersaulted over the blast, trying to close the distance between you and him. His eyes widened, as he took a few steps backwards, trying to avoid you.

You laughed at his reaction when suddenly you felt a incredibly cold sensation coming from your legs. You looked down and gasped. A thin layer of ice had formed all over your legs, prohibiting your movement.

"Guess I win this round y/n." Todoroki said, obviously pleased with himself, as he walked towards you.

"I'm still not done yet sweetie." you said extending your arms in a flash of movement and grabbing him by the shirt. Before he could freeze your arms, you slammed him down on the floor, and quickly retracted your arms.

He gasped for air, getting up slowly to face you. He looked mildly irritated, but that expression soon melted away when he saw your beaming face. 

"HA! I actually got you Shoto...also I think I'm getting frostbite please unfreeze my legs." you said and Todoroki immediately rushed over to you and warmed up your legs while you smiled at him.

Sparring with Todoroki after school like this had always been fun, but it was even better now that Todoroki was comfortable with using his fire side against you. He was still very careful with you though, even though you were a formidable opponent with an almost flawless technique.

Once he had unfrozen your legs, you two got your bags and walked outside. "Ugh, Shoto I'm tired! Can we go somewhere to get some water or something?" you asked him, your hand intertwined with his naturally. 

"Sure y/n, that sounds good." he said leaning over and kissing your plump cheek. You giggled at the soft sensation and squeezed his hand tighter. 

Two boys walking by snickered at you, before one of them spoke up. "Hey is that a U.A. uniform?" one of them asked you as he grinned lopsidedly. 

"Yeah it is!" you replied, surprised that he had recognized the uniform.

"Huh, it's just I always thought that kids who go to U.A. were supposed to be athletic. Guess that school's gone downhill." he said, as his friend erupted in laughter. Your throat closed up and your mind raced, trying to think of what to say. Ugh why do complete strangers have to do stuff like this. I can't control my weight you know!

 But before you could say what you were thinking, Todoroki stepped in front of you, facing the two boys head-on.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Huh? Why don't you say it again asshole!" Todoroki shouted, his deep voice laced with anger. You gasped, surprised at your boyfriend's sudden outburst. The two boys shrunk back slightly, but the one who had insulted you furrowed his brows and kept on grinning smugly.

"Duh, I think you know what it's supposed to mean, you dumbas--"

"How about you do us all a favor and just shut the hell up alright!? Because y/n can kick your ass in their sleep and so can fact I can do it right now if you want!" Todoroki threatened, ice gathering at his feet and his left side became engulfed in flames. 

The two boys' eyes widened as they backed away quickly. They both screamed and bolted simoltaneously as fast as their legs could carry. You laughed and cheered Todoroki on from the sidelines.

"Woo-hoo!! Yeah you asshats better run!" you yelled at their retreating forms. Todoroki smirked before extinguishing his flames and melting his ice. You ran up to him and embraced him tightly. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and sighed, relieved that the boys were gone. He returned the hug, gentler than you though.

You pulled away, expecting to see Todoroki smiling, but instead he looked like someone had just punched him in the gut. His eyes were dark, and his mouth was pulled into a thin straight line. 

"Shoto, what's wrong?" you asked, reaching for his hand. He turned away before you could grab it and he ran a hand through his red and white hair. Finally he broke the silence.

"I don't want anyone to make you feel like crap y/n." he said through gritted teeth. You gazed at him, feeling concern wash over you. "You're amazing and strong and beautiful, and those assholes don't know what they're talking about." he said, his anger lessening as he slowly calmed down.

"I know Shoto, it's fine though." you told him, pulling him into another hug. "Thank you for defending me, it means a lot." 

He returned your hug fully this time and you two began to walk again, hand in hand like nothing had happened.

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