Tsuyu Asui x Reader: Strange

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A jealous Tsuyu scenario was requested a while ago so sorry for the wait, I'm a procrastinator at heart. ^_^ For this oneshot the reader will be part of class 1-A and as usual, it's gender neutral. Enjoy!

"I can't stop thinking about you Tsuyu, I-I think like you! "

"Well, I think I like you too. Now, what do we do?"

You laughed a few times with relief. You hadn't been rejected and also the way she worded things made you feel better. She was always so straightforward with you. "Let me take you on a date Tsuyu."

Your eyes widened as you were brought back to reality. Sometimes when you were bored you would replay your confession to Tsuyu in your head just to torture yourself. It had been one of the most nervewracking experiences in your life, ten times worse than taking the U.A. entrance exams.

You always thought that she was out of your league in every way. Her quirk was stronger than yours, she was always thinking ahead, and she was so sure of herself. It was amazing to watch.

But lately, you had noticed that she was acting a little strange towards you and you quickly figured out what might be bothering her. 

Recently you had grown closer with Midoriya because you two had been paired off in training during your hero classes. Every time you mentioned Midoriya and how cool he was to Tsuyu she looked like she had just swallowed something sour.

It was like, for the first time, she was holding something back from you.

Right now you weren't even listening to the lecture Aizawa was giving and when you looked up from your notebook you gazed at the back of Tsuyu's head who was sitting a few rows in front of you. She was your girlfriend, you two had been through two years at U.A. together and survived so many changes together too. 

Your relationship was very strong so you knew that you could talk to her.

After school. After school, I'll ask her what's wrong.

On your walk home Tsuyu was quiet, her large dark eyes taking in the blooming plants of spring. You gazed at her, almost like you were studying her. You were silent as well because you were unsure on how to confront her without being too blunt.

But before you could say anything she sighed and spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence. "So...have you finished your essay for Present Mic yet?" She asked you, trying to make small talk which she was not too good at.

You nodded your head. "Yeah, I can show it to you later. Um, well there's something I want to talk to you about too."

She smiled. "Oh? What is it?"

"Well, you know I've become friends with Midoriya now. We've gotten closer just because of class...and I've noticed that you've been kind of cold towards him all of a sudden. Are you...are you jealous of him?"

She looked at you, stunned. Her mouth gaped open and her hands went to her sides, clutching at the fabric of her skirt tightly. "Tsuyu?"

"I...I guess you're right. I-I do feel jealous of him!" She exclaimed, a wide smile pulling at her lips which took you aback. "Ribbit! This explains everything y/n!"

You laughed nervously. "Yeah? What does it explain exactly?"

"Well it explains why I've felt so bad! Every time I saw you with Midoriya you looked so happy and I thought that I should be the one to make you happy. Like he was doing my job for me."

"But you do make me happy." You replied with a smile of your own. "You make me really happy all the time."

Tsuyu paused for a moment, looking pensive. "I don't want you to stop being friends with Midoriya ribbit. And I'll try to stop being jealous, it's not really fair to you or him."

You looped your arm over her slender shoulder and gave her soft cheek a quick kiss. "Well, if it makes you feel any better you were really cute when you were jealous."

She flushed pink with embarrassment and glanced away from you, her eyes focusing on the green shrubs you were walking by. "I guess that makes me feel a little better, ribbit."

"That's my girl!"

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