Todoroki Shoto x Reader: Time

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So this took way longer than I expected so I hope it's good lol. This is a request piece and this idea was so cool (it jumps around in time a lot, and there's loads of drama), it was just a lot of fun to write! ^_^ I changed the plot very slightly just to make it flow better. Todoroki and the reader will be adults, and the reader will be fem. I like writing requests so feel free to send 'em on in. Enjoy!

You had always imagined the day you graduate from U.A. High. It was only one day away, and after that, you were free to become the best hero that you could be. Of course, there were a few things that you hadn't expected at U.A. You hadn't expected getting to know Todoroki Shouto, liking him, dating him, and then falling slowly in love with him.

You two had met when you transferred into U.A. after the first sports festival, and you were intrigued by his quirk and his personality. You figured he would never even talk to you, but you were extremely glad that you were wrong.

You smiled at the thought even though you were starting to feel a bit nauseous. Huh, maybe it was something I ate? you thought as you walked quickly toward the bathroom just in case.


The next day

Todoroki checked his phone for the third time in ten minutes. You hadn't texted him since yesterday morning, which was very unlike you, but he tried not to worry. It was graduation day after all, maybe you were just nervous. He sighed and put his phone away slowly, hoping that you would contact him soon.

Suddenly he felt a hand gently brush his back, signaling him to turn around. He expected to see you, beaming and happy that it was graduation day, but instead you looked pale, tired, and sickly. He immediately furrowed his brows and frowned, because something was obviously not right.

"Y/n, are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked you, worry already etched into his soft voice. You averted your eyes and swallowed, your words catching in your throat.

"Shoto...I...we...I'm p-pregnant." you uttered, tears welling in your eyes at what that meant. Todoroki's eyes widened and he paled immediately. He gaped at you obviously at a loss for words, but he couldn't help feeling slightly elated. You were pregnant, wasn't that supposed to be amazing?

"Y/n, we can--"

"Shoto...I can't do this...not to you," you said, a sob making your voice crack violently, "I mean you are going to be a hero!"

"We are both going to be heroes! We can get through this together y/n please..."

"No, you know there's a reason why most pro heroes don't have's too damn hard Shoto." you said your voice growing stronger as the tears stopped forming in your eyes. Some people who were standing near you two were starting to stare, but you could care less. This was between you and Todoroki.

"Y/n...I don't understand," Todoroki replied, his voice becoming almost a faint whisper, "what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I have to do this alone...I can't drag you down with me Shouto...I'm sorry!" you said as you turned away and started walking as fast as you could. Your feet slapped the cold tile hard as you walked, willing yourself to just keep going and to not look back.

"W-wait...Y/N!" you heard Todoroki say before you were completely out of earshot.


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