Todoroki Shouto x Reader: Ice Knight (Medieval Au)

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I've wanted to write for the medieval/fantasy au ever since I saw the ending song so I'm glad I stopped procrastinating. For this oneshot the reader and Todoroki wil be aged up to about 20ish. Enjoy!

Ever since you were little you had heard legends of the Ice Knight from the storytellers in your small village. Every week, storytellers would gather around a huge bonfire and spin tales about the legendary hero. How he had single handedly defeated the terrible Kingdom of Spears with just a single sword! How when he was just a little boy he challenged his dictator father to a duel and he won! 

There were many different ways his story had been told and you had always assumed that he was probably at least middle-aged by now. You wished you could live a full life like him, but your village depended on you. You were the only one who could read and write, so you were the person that everyone needed for trade deals with other villages.

But you couldn't help dreaming...

It was an incredibly slow day at your shop and you were seriously considering closing early. You just didn't feel like wasting any more time if there weren't going to be any customers. But just as you slipped on your winter cloak, the large wooden door opened and a man walked in. His face was covered by a blue and red hood, and your eyes widened. 

He must be very well off to afford such a beautiful fabric! Your grey attire looked so dowdy compared to him.

He rubbed his gloved hands together, trying to warm them up before he removed his hood to reveal his striking red and white hair along with a large scar on the left side of his face. His eyes were strange too. They were two different colors!

He gazed at you and nodded his head curtly. "I don't suppose you sell any food?" he asked, his eyes looking around your tiny shop that was filled with mostly supplies, clothes, and small weapons.

You shook your head. "I have some fresh fruit in the back though. Or dried fruit if you want that."

"I'll take a bag of fresh fruit please." he replied, eyeing some of the furs hanging on the wall. "I'll take more apples too...for my horse."

"Alright." you said, moving away from the front counter and heading into the tiny back room to fetch his fruit. There was something strange about he was familiar even though you knew you had never met someone like him.

You definitely would have remembered his eyes.

You filled up a medium sized bag of apples and added some grapefruits for good measure. They were the most popular winter fruit in your village after all. You walked back to the front and placed the bag on the counter.

"That'll be two pounds." you said, trying to focus on the shabby counter instead of the handsome stranger's eyes. He placed the money on the counter and grabbed the bag.

"I don't know why but I feel like you read a lot? Is that true?" he asked. You nodded your head, wondering how he had known that fact about you.

"I'm the only one here that can read..."

"Good. Because I have some books that I'd like to give you. If that's alright with you?"

"Yes! Of course! T-Thank you so much." you replied, earning a soft smile from the man. He walked out of the shop only to return with a handful of beautiful leather-bound books that made your heart swoon. He placed them on the counter and you looked over them, afraid to even touch them. The designs on them were so incredible and intricate, some of them even had locks and keys attached to them.

"They're pretty heavy and I've read them all. I would love to give them to someone who will appreciate them. Like you."



Your heartbeat increased tenfold when his name left his lips. "Y-You...Todoroki...that was the last name of the dictator who...are you his son!?"

He sighed as if he didn't want you to make the connection. "Y-Yes I--"

"You're the Ice Knight!! You're a hero Todoroki! I've heard so many legends about you...I thought you'd be way older though..."

"Some of the legends about me are older than me. It's not all accurate." he replied, his eyes softening at the corners. "What's your name?"

"Y/n l/n! It's an honor to meet must have so many stories about all the distant lands you've traveled right? It must be so amazing!"

Todoroki shrugged slightly, his eyes gazing into yours as if he was just struck with an idea. "I have traveled a lot...would you like to join me y/n?" he asked you, his voice soft but sincere.

You took a step back, shocked that he would even suggest such a thing! "I-I've never even left my village before though...I would just hold you back. I only know basic sword techniques a-and I don't know how to ride or take care of a horse! Plus--"

"Y/'s alright. It was just an idea. You just seemed really sad to you want more than to just be here." he said, and you knew that he was right. Of course you wanted more! Who wouldn't want more?

"I-I do...but I have a responsibility to fill here. I can't just leave all of these people. Unless..."


"The villagers might forgive me for leaving them...if you introduce yourself to all of them!" you exclaimed with a snap of your fingers. "You're a hero...they would all love to meet you!"

"I-If that's what it takes to allow you to see the world, then so be it." he replied, making you grin widely. 

The storytellers recognized Todoroki as the Ice Knight immediately which made you feel disappointed in yourself. He barely even had to introduce himself to everyone! He walked around, mingling and talking with your townsfolk while you packed some things and said your goodbyes. Some tears were shed (mostly by you) but as you and Todoroki rode out of the village, you felt excitement stir within you.

You were going to travel and experience everything the world had to offer with someone you admired greatly. It truly felt like a fairy tale come true.

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