Todoroki Shoto x Rival!Reader: Realizations (part 1)

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This was requested a long time ago, but Wattpad did not notify about the request :/ This has happened a few times and I'm getting a little frustrated, so I might change how requests are done. Perhaps just sending them to my inbox would be the quickest way idk. ANYWAY, here it is my first rival!reader oneshot. The reader's quirk will be the ability to delay someone's speed, by looking at them. It's a type of time manipulation quirk. Enjoy!

"If you're so great why can't you get a hit on me?" you asked the young U.A. prodigy Todoroki Shoto while you two sparred in the gym. He gritted his teeth together and grimaced slightly.

He was approaching his limit with the amount of ice he could make, but that was the whole reason for this sparring session. He had suggested that he only could use his ice quirk, to test his true limits.

That was his first mistake.

Laughing, you easily dodged the large ice spikes that jutted out of the floor, while activating your time quirk. Todoroki immediately started to move slower, and his eyes widened. You had never actually used your quirk on him before, and it was a really scary experience for a lot of people. Your friends described it as that feeling you get when you are running really slow in a dream while being chased by a terrible monster.

Todoroki gasped for air as he tried to move quicker, but it was futile. He was pretty much not even moving an inch. Once your quirk was in effect, you could control someone's speed for about a half an hour. But during that time, your own movements would become strained, and a little slow too.

You walked up to him scoffing in his face at his state.

"Guess we'll have to work on--" you started to say, before you were cut off by a cold sensation coming from your feet. "W-What the hell!?"

"Y/n, I guess you forgot that I can use my quirk without moving." Todoroki said, his voice sounding like the most condescending thing in the world to you. The ice that had formed around your feet quickly encased your whole legs, and finally your entire body except for your face. "Now, stop using your quirk y/n. You've lost."

"Screw you ice boy!" you yelled indignantly, despite the chilling and painful cold that you were feeling. He shook his head (very slowly though) and gazed at you with cold expressionless eyes.

"Just stop y/n. It's over." he told you coldly, his icy glare intimidating you. But only a little bit.

"Screw you!!"


After about ten minutes passed by, Aizawa ended up erasing your quirk so Todoroki could finally move. Immediately after that, Todoroki used his left side to melt the ice around your body even though you insisted that you didn't need his help.

"You could have gotten frostbite, you stubborn ass," he told you while you two walked out of the gym. Aizawa had told you both to go to Recovery Girl just in case.

You glared daggers at him, and he returned the glare tenfold. "Whatever, you're just mad that I almost won."

"Almost, is the keyword there y/n."

"Huh!? You wanna fight me again--"

"Y/n." he interrupted you, as he stopped walking for a moment. His mysterious aura annoyed you, and why did he just feel the need to interrupt you? "Y/n...what are we?"

"...People??" you replied, utterly confused by his weird question.

"No like this," he explained waving his hand at you, and then back at him. You raised an eyebrow, getting more annoyed at him. What the hell was his problem?

"We...hell I don't know! All I know is that I wanna be better than you in every possible way. That's it." you replied, satisfied with your blunt and short answer. Todoroki didn't look so satisfied with your answer though, and he furrowed his eyebrows together as if he was struggling to think.

"But I kind of want to be better than you too. I mean yes, you lost the match today, but you could have won just as easily too," he said his eyes boring into the hallway floor, "and I just think that...I wanna be better than you!"  

You laughed loudly at his sudden outburst of emotion. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something more, but he closed it just as quickly.

"Pfft, alright then! I think we just answered the question ourselves."


"Duh, you dense ass...we are rivals!!"

Todoroki hung his mouth open in surprise, and he looked more contemplative now that he was processing your words. You gazed at him, impatiently tapping your foot on the floor.

"Wow...I-I've never had a rival before. Is there like a certain code we have to follow?"

"Haha, no. We just, kind of...always try to one-up each other? Like it's a competition." you replied, getting more excited now. Having Todoroki as a rival meant you must be a pretty strong opponent, which definitely helped boost your ego. This day was going great!

"Well, if we're both competing...I'll be sure to win," he said a soft smirk playing at his lips. You laughed at his bold, and completely untrue words.

"I won't lose to you that easily you ass," you replied, accepting his challenge with determination and excitement.   

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