Aizawa Shouta x Reader: Little Moment

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An Aizawa request that just wanted him as a dad, so I came up with some cute fluff for you all. According to many translating sites that I used Shokyo means "erase" so I thought it was a fitting name. Enjoy!

You had known Aizawa way before he was a teacher at U.A. but seeing him interact with the students (when he wasn't expelling most of them) made you believe that he would make a great father someday. Of course you kept those feelings to yourself for a while because the both of you were so busy with work. But eventually you talked about the idea with him which felt like weight being lifted off of your shoulders!

You remember him being silent on thought for a good minute until he said something you would never forget. "Y/n, I love you and I think this is a very logical step why don't we start now then?"

1 year later

Looking back on that day now that you and Aizawa had a child named Shokyo it seemed like everything had just fallen into place perfectly. Plus the memory of his awkward statement always made you laugh when you were in a bad mood.

Your child was a beautiful girl, with thick black hair just like Aizawa's (it would tangle just as easily too). Her eyes looked more like yours though, but they were a bit darker. Sometimes her little eyes would widen whenever Aizawa walked into the room and she would babble something incoherent with such excitement that you couldn't help but chuckle to yourself. She was so attached to him, it was amazing.

There were difficult times though like right now you were trying to get her to eat but you were having no success. She refused to eat anything green which of course was not going to fly with you. "C'mon Shokyo, it's good. See?" you said, popping a small green bean into your mouth. "Mmm, yummy. Now you try."

Shokyo shook her head and pouted, her eyes darkening as she stared down the food in the colorful bowl. "!" she angrily complained, making you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration.

"Honey, it's good food. It's very good, just try it." You practically pleaded with her. Suddenly Shokyo took a green bean in her small hand and it was as if the gods above had heard your cries for help.

Yes! She's finally going to eat it!! 

But then she crinkled her tiny nose and proceeded to chuck it clear across the room. "No Shokyo, we don't throw food."

"She threw her food? That's new." You heard Aizawa say from the other room. He was finally out of the shower which meant he could help Shokyo listen to reason!

"Shouta, come here. She's refusing to eat her green beans." you said with a sigh. Aizawa meandered into the kitchen slowly, small droplets of water falling from his hair as he walked. 

He rubbed the back of his neck and leaned over Shokyo's high chair. He smiled at his daughter, he had been practicing his less scary looking smiles just for her and she seemed to like them. "Let me see what I can do." He said, picking up a green bean tentatively. "Sho listen, this is good." He explained to Shokyo. He ate the green bean, chewing on it dramatically just so she could see what a delicacy it was.

You tried not to laugh at the two of them so you stifled your giggles in your hand as best as you could. Shokyo stared intensely at Aizawa like she was judging his worthiness before she finally picked up a single green bean and bit off half of it. Both you and Aizawa waited with baited breath at what her reaction to the vegetable would be.

C'mon sweetie, this is the moment of truth!

She chewed a bit more when suddenly her face broke into a bright smile like you had never seen before. Her tiny hand grabbed more and more and more until she had finished all of the green beans in her bowl. You were so delighted you could cry!

"Shokyo good job!" You exclaimed happily, making Shokyo giggle. "Was it yummy?"

"Mmmga...mmhmm!!" Shokyo babbled, but you were going to take what you could get. You looked over at Aizawa and mouthed thank you to him.

"I think these got the Shokyo seal of approval! Next on the list is broccoli." you said with a grin, already going to the fridge to get some. You pulled some out and began chopping off the ends. "I hope you're still hungry Shokyo, because I'm gonna steam the heck out of this broccoli!"

"Mmga...broc...broccoli!" she replied, making Aizawa's eyes widen with surprise.

He patted the top of her head, giving her cheek a quick kiss. "Looks like we're dealing with a genius over here y/n." He said, a proud twinkle in his dark eyes.

You smiled over at the pair, your heart swelling with pride. "Yeah, she really is amazing. Once you reason with her that is." You joked.

Aizawa chuckled, running a hand though his damp hair. "I can't wait to see her grow up into an amazing person. That's going to be the best, right Sho? You're going to be great." He said, ruffling up her dark hair gently.

"Yeah...she really will be." you said with a smile before resuming your chopping. It was the little moments like these that made you realize just how luck you were to have these two people in your life.

Life has a very funny way of working itself out, but when it does it just seems like everything is perfect. 

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