Kirishima Eijirou x Reader: Make You Happy

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I haven't written for him in a while so I am very sorry about that! Anyway, he was requested, along with a reader that can control the emotions of the person they're touching. The reader is also in the support department. Enjoy! 

You bumped into him in the hallway when you were on your way to make some modifications to one of the hero gadgets you made. It was purely by chance that you two met each other. But you weren't in the right state of mind, because you had just taken a test and you were sure you had failed it. You felt miserable about it and when you bumped into a spiky-red haired boy you immediately became worried.

The two of you stared at each other for a moment, his bright crimson eyes looked you over. He gave you a pained smile and a few tears began to fall from his eyes. "I-I ah...sorry, I don't know why I'm crying. Y-You...are you...?"

You looked at him and then gazed down at the tile floor. "O-Oh my god, I'm so sorry, it's my quirk. I can control people's emotions." You explained.

He wiped the tears off his face with the sleeve of his shirt and sniffed loudly through his nose. "Does that mean...that you feel this sad? Are you ok?"

You wondered why he even cared, so you just brushed him off. "Yeah, I'm fine." You lied.

The redhead blinked once and took a small step towards you. "Hey, don't lie." He said, concern filling his eyes. "I don't like it when people are sad, and I think our meeting like this is fate's way of telling me that I need to cheer you up!"

"Oh, no you really don't have to--"

"I want to! Name's Kirishima what's your name?"

"It's y/n."

He beamed at you and reached over to clasp your hands in his. His hands were warm and solid, they felt like they belonged with your hands. "I want to make you happy. What cheers you up y/n?"

No one had ever gone out of their way for you like this before, especially not someone you just met. Just who exactly was this boy?

You thought about it before replying to him. "Well, I like watching movies. And making things, like hero stuff. For the support department." You replied, averting your eyes from his intense gaze. He laughed and let go of your hands, making you immediately miss their warmth.

"The support department huh? I guess that's where you were going now cause they're down this hallway...tell you what, I'll take you to a movie then, how's that sound? Wanna meet up after school?"

You stayed silent, in shock that he was already offering to take you to a movie like you two had known each other for a long time. But you didn't want to be rude and reject his offer to cheer you up either.

So with only a little bit of hesitation, you replied, "Sure, that sounds good." He gave you a thumbs up and started walking away with a bright smile on his face.

"It'll be great y/n! I'll meet you in front of the school!" With those kind words, he left you standing in the hallway, blushing in embarrassment at what had just happened.

It'll be great y/n!

His words invaded your thoughts as you continued on your walk to your work-room. You thought about how your name sounded really good when he said it and before you knew it you could almost feel yourself starting to blush. You didn't want to tell him but that short interaction had already put you into a better mood.


Kirishima...Kirishima...I've heard his name before. I think he's in the hero course.

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