Monoma Neito x Reader: Rescue

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I hear that he knows French...apparently?? If anyone knows if this is canon or not I'd love to know where that is stated?? Anyway, he is my fave boy from class 1-B (sorry Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu). For this oneshot the reader will be...quirkless! Enjoy!

You first saw him on t.v. when you were flipping through channels aimlessly and you happened to catch a glimpse of a heated battle...between U.A. students?

Huh, must be that tournament thingy...jeez everyone looks so sweaty! I'm glad I don't have to do that.

Even though you disliked strenuous activity, you kept your eyes on the screen. You didn't know the context of the game, but it seemed like there was an intense rivalry between two blonde boys. They kept on stealing each other's points until one of them would retreat back.

Your eyes locked on to one of boys who seemed to have multiple quirks? But whenever he touched someone else, his quirk would change. No...stealing other quirks was his quirk!

"Man, that's so cool! I hope you student!"

His team ended up losing badly, and you felt like you had jinxed it. You were incredibly sad for the rest of the day, wondering if that was how the copycat guy felt. You hoped he was alright...


Five years later

Waking up early and being on time for work was never your strong suit, but today was different. You had put your alarm on its highest volume and you had already sorted out your outfit yesterday evening so you were extra prepared.

After eating a quick breakfast you grabbed your work bag and bounded out of the house. Your bag contained mostly files about new and strange quirks. Being born quirkless had made you even more interested in how quirks work, and how they are evolving.

So, becoming a "quirk scientist" was the best option. Or at least that's what you called your job. You were actually doing an internship at a laboratory that specialized quirk evolution and biology. But "quirk scientist" definitely had a better ring to it!

You quickened your walking pace thinking about how you never took the train this early in the morning. Everything seemed to be moving slower than usual which was a nice change of pace compared to when you were always rushing and pushing past people in order to get on the train safely.

As you were walking you heard footsteps coming up behind you. You stopped for a little bit, and the footsteps stopped immediately.

Are they stalking me? Oh no...I was going to be early today!

You picked up your pace until you were nearly running towards the train station. Maybe if you could get to a more crowded area, you could shake them off.

Suddenly you felt a harsh hand grab your shoulder and try to rip off your bag. You spun around and aimed a high kick right at them, but they grabbed your leg and threw you to the hard pavement.

"You're the asshole scientist right? What's in the bag?" a deep voice asked you menacingly. You grunted and looked up at your attacker. They were wearing a chipped clown mask blocking their entire face from you.

"You'll never get what's in this bag. What do you even want it for you clown bitch?"

"Haha I'm going to sell it of course just like I'll sell you. People would pay good money for the secrets about quirks that are stored in your head. Isn't that right?"

".....Well alright then. HELP!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!"

"Shit stop yelling!!"

He rushed towards you clenching his fist tightly as he did. You scampered back trying to buy some time before...

"Don't you have something better to do with your life?" You heard a loud voice say, dripping with sarcasm. You glanced over, and saw a tall man in a blue suit standing there with the utmost confidence.

A new hero, You thought, eyeing the three gold clocks attached to his belt. Something about him looked so familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

The villain turned around to see who said that, and was met with a gentle tap on their arm followed by a harsh punch that split their mask in two.

"Let's see what your quirk is shall we?"

With that, the hero's suit sleeve tore in several places as sharp metal spikes began growing rapidly out of his arm. He laughed condescendingly at the villain and began swinging his spiky arm dangerously close to them. 

While he was distracting the villain, he quickly pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs from his suit pocket and unclasped them. 

Before you could even register what had happened, the villain was knocked down to the ground with both hands handcuffed behind his back.

"Are you alright?" The hero asked you and you nodded, getting up from your spot on the pavement.

"Yeah, thanks to you." you replied shakily. He smiled at you softly, his blue-grey eyes creasing at the corners.

"Anytime..." he said before pulling out his phone to call the police. After a short conversation he hung up and looked back at you. "I had hoped my debut would be a bit flashier...but this was fun too. The police will be here in a few--"

"Wait! You...did you graduate from U.A. High?" you asked, finally recognizing him.

"Yeah I was in class 1-B...the best class." he replied smirking. You broke into a huge smile, in awe that you two were actually meeting each other in real life.

"I saw you during your first tournament battle! You were so cool and efficient with your quirk...oh man how you utilized your teammate's quirks to your advantage! That was pure strategic genius! Your names Monoma right, at least that's what they called your team."

"Yeah my name's Monoma Neito, but my hero name is Phantom Theif..."

"Wow what a cool hero name! That's so cool!!" you gushed loudly. You probably looked like a crazed fan right now, but you didn't mind. He didn't seem to mind either, as a faint blush dusted his cheeks and nose.

" what's your name?"

"Y/n l/n! Nice to meet you Phantom Thief!" You exclaimed, bowing your head slightly. He laughed softly at your dramatics, and bowed his head too.

"Nice to meet you too, y/n." Monoma said, and you blushed at how easy your name fell from his lips.

"Uhm...I better get going to work now. It was nice finally meeting you!" You said, abruptly walking away before he could see your blush.

"Where do you work?" He asked, not even phazed by the fact that you were walking away. You could have laughed if you weren't so flustered.

"I work at Hosu Labs! Just call if you need anything, bye!"

"See you around y/n." He yelled out, before you were out of earshot.


The next day

"Hey y/n, someone called the office asking for you."

"Monoma Neito called the office!? For what?"

The secretary twirled a pencil around her finger, smiling slyly at you. "He wanted to know your personal I gave it to him!"

You nearly fainted from shock but she just laughed, turning back around in her swivel chair to face her desk. "Oh, and you are supposed to meet him for coffee too, at ten o'clock sharp tomorrow. And try to look better than you usually do tomorrow..."

"I can't believe...this is a hostile work environment!"

"Have fun! He seems like an interesting guy." She replied, stifling her laughter. You were exasperated with the situation that she had put you in but you were also kind of excited.

Having coffee with Monoma didn't seem like such a bad thing. And he was so heroic when he saved you yesterday...

"Alright! I'll make sure not to wear my work clothes tomorrow!"

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