Todoroki Shoto: Small Confessions

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This was an interesting request for Todoroki and a Child!Reader, the reader being his son. But I kind of changed the pov just to make it flow better, that is why "x reader" is not in the title.  ^ _^ Also, there is not a lot of info on Fuyumi's character, so I hope I did alright with that. Enjoy!

"You haven't told them yet Todoroki?" Fuyumi asked her younger brother, while they ate dinner. Endeavor wasn't there so they both felt comfortable eating out in the dining room like this. Todoroki paused, taking a sip of his water and thinking carefully about his response.

"They don't really need to know yet, I just don't want to add to their stress." he said, putting his glass down. What he said was true. All of his classmates worked so hard, the stakes were so high, especially now that it was their last year at U.A. High. He didn't need them to fret about his problems, even if they were his friends.

Fuyumi looked at her brother, concern and shock etched across her face but her grey eyes remained strong and determined. Todoroki should know better by now. He should know how much his friends care about him.

"I just think that...they wouldn't mind meeting him you know? They'll be nothing but supportive Shoto, and I feel like deep down you already know that. Trust me." she said, giving him a small but reassuring smile. 

Todoroki's heterochromic widened at his sister's wise words. He knew that she obviously was right, he couldn't hide this from his friends any longer. He just had his doubts, like anyone would. He gulped trying to hide his nervousness, knowing that he couldn't do this alone...


The next day, Todoroki missed homeroom for the first time all semester. Iida of course was the first to notice his absence. 

"The day has already started and now we're already in History...Midoriya do you know where Todoroki is!?" Iida asked the green haired boy frantically. Midoriya shook his head and apologized.

"I can text him if you want..."

"Maybe he's out with Endeavor on a mission?" Uraraka questioned and Bakugou sighed loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Who cares if shitty Half and Half is out today, let's just start class already!!" he said angrily, his crimson eyes narrowing in irritation.

"But it's the first time he's been late ribbit. What if something is actually going on? And something is always going on." Tsuyu remarked, ignoring Bakugou's angry comments completely.

"Everyone stop! Class is starting now, with or without Todoroki." Midnight instructed to class 1-A as she gracefully walked into the room and placed her textbooks on the podium near the chalkboard. "I want to discuss the assigned readings today, and as you know your second essay on Modern Hero Laws will be due by--oh hello Fuyumi--Wednesday at the start of class. Hello, students, did you all hear me?"

Unfortunately they had all stopped listening a long time ago, their attention was now on Fuyumi, Todoroki's older sister, who was standing nervously by the classroom door. She was holding a large blue baby carrier, with one hand, and she was adjusting her glasses furiously with another hand.

"Sorry Midnight, I know this is unexpected, but can I have a moment of your time?"

Midnight looked over at the baby carrier and her intense blue eyes narrowed. "Of course you can, this seems like a nice change of pace." she responded, walking over to help Fuyumi with the carrier. Midnight took the carrier easily, and was holding it with one strong hand. 

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