Shoji Mezo x Reader: Differences

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Shoji was requested and he's an underappreciated character so of course I was excited to write this. The reader will be fem. and also on the short side (which many people will poke fun of). Enjoy!

"Hey Shoji I just realized something very important."

"What is it?"

"You're the tallest person in class, you're even taller than Aizawa, but you're dating do you just like short people or something?"

"I have no preference about height, I just like you y/n." Shoji told you, his dark eyes peering at you from above his blue face mask.

"Aww Shoji you're such a softie!" you said gushing at his response, cupping your face in your hands.

Unfortunately you weren't the only one in class 1-A to notice the less than subtle height difference between you and Shoji. Alright, truthfully everyone in the class had noticed. Shoji regularly gave you piggy back rides when you two would walk together and if it was too sunny out, his dupli arms would hang above you, giving you the perfect amount of shade.

Kaminari and Kirishima were the first people to start poking fun at the height difference though.


It was lunchtime, and you were sitting next to Shoji. Tooru and Ojiro were sitting across from you two, but you were all engrossed in a martial arts story that Ojiro was talking about...

"Hey y/n how's it going?" you heard Kirishima call out to you.

"Hey Kirishima. Then what happened Ojiro?" you asked turning back to your other friend.

"Y/n can we talk? It's really important!" Kaminari said poking his head out from behind Kirishima. You smiled, and got up, following them to an empty table in the cafeteria.

"What's going on you guys? Do you need help studying?" you asked them, taking a seat, as they took a seat across from you.

"Well we just wanted to ask you if you were Shoji?" Kaminari asked, looking at his hands.

"Well, yeah...but he confessed to me recently," you said looking down at your intertwined hands, "and we've been trying to be low-key about it." You felt your face get hot from explaining yourself to Kaminari and Kirishima, and you wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Wow y/n! That's great!!" Kirishima exclaimed raising his fists in the air. "And it's so manly of him to confess to you. Did he have to lean down to do it?"

You huffed and folded your arms under your chest."Hey what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" you asked, feigning hurt. "......H-he actually picked me up bridal style, thank you very much for asking." you said, getting up quickly and walking away before you could hear their responses.

"Ugh! I'm not that short!" you grumbled to yourself, walking back to Shoji's table. You soon forgot about that minor incident though as the day dragged on. Present Mic announced in English class that there would be a test, so you made a note to study extra hard. English was definitely your weakest subject, which annoyed you to no end.

"Hey y/ you want to study at my house? Tokoyami and Tooru are coming too." Shoji asked you, when you were packing up your schoolbag.

"Sure! I just need to get my book back from Ashido, she was borrowing it for today. Wait for me." you said brushing past Shoji.

You soon spotted Ashido's signature pink hair moving down the long hallway, and you sped up while calling out to her. "Ashido. Ashido! You still have my book." you said loudly enough to get her attention.

"OH! Y/n, sorry I almost forgot," she exclaimed, fishing through her schoolbag quickly, "here it is and gosh thanks so much for letting me borrow it! Even though I still didn't study..." she confessed, averting her black and yellow eyes.

"Haha, well maybe next time you will Ashido. See ya."

"Hang on! I haven't congratulated you yet on dating the tallest guy in class. How's it feel, always having to look up to talk to him?"

"Hmph! Not you too Ashido. I swear, it's not my fault he's so tall and I'm so," don't say short y/n don't you dare, "...not tall."

She snickered and said that it was hilarious to watch you two navigate holding hands. "It always kind of looks like he's leading you on a museum tour or something!" she joked and you tried to suppress a laugh. Damn it that is what it feels like, you thought to yourself as Ashido laughed her pink head off.

"Ugh, whatever! I have to go, I hope you know that you have severely hurt me in more ways than one Ashido!" you exclaimed in a dramatic high pitched voice as you covered your face with your arm like they do in old movies.

She laughed even harder at you, and you took this opportunity to walk away from her, quickly waving goodbye. Maybe people will forget about it soon! you thought desperately as you, Tooru, Tokoyami, and Shoji walked to his house.


"Y/n hang on I'll walk you home." Shoji said, after the end of another long day at U.A. had passed.

"Alright, but did you want to stay for dinner? It's ramen night, plus my dad really wants to see how your quirk works." you explained to him, heaving your heavy schoolbag onto your bag with a grunt. You had checked out multiple books from the school library for studying, but you hadn't realized how heavy they would be combined.

"I'd love to have dinner with--" Shoji stopped talking as he took notice of your struggle and kindly said, "Oh jeez y/n, I'll get that for you."

"Thanks!" you said gratefully, handing him the schoolbag. He took it from you with ease, swinging it over his shoulder with one arm. You gaped at him in awe, until he asked if you were ready to leave.

"U-uhuh, yeah I'm r-ready." you said, stumbling over your words incredibly. Wow, I guess I never noticed how strong he is!

As you two walked outside, into the bright sunshine, you heard Ashido remark jokingly to Tsuyu that it was too bad Shoji was walking home all alone. You stopped in your tracks immediately and yelled, "But I'm right here Ashido!!"

"Oh hey y/n I didn't see you there!"


"Oh my y/n, I didn't see you there either, did you want to walk home together?" Shoji said, faking surprise really well and pulling you closer to him by your waist.

"Shit! Not you too Shoji!! What is this world coming to!?"

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