Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader: Summer

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Little bird boi is here for some sweet fluff! Summer is in full swing and I'm all about that summer fluff so here we go ^_^ Enjoy!

"Darn it...stay still Fumi or the picture won't turn out good!"

"What a mad banquet of darkness indeed." Tokoyami muttered, putting his hands on his hips. His cute light blue swim shorts with little yellow ducks on them completely contrasted with his dark personality and you knew it was your job to capture this moment in a nice photo.

"Agh! Get closer to the water babe."

"I don't want to get wet...neither does Dark Shadow."

"Then why'd you bring swimming clothes?"


You chuckled quietly at him, before steadying your hand and taking the picture. "Looks great! Wanna eat now?"

"Yes, I'll set things up." he replied. It had been so long since you two had had an actual day off so of course you both decided that a nice picnic on the beach was needed. But instead of going to the city beach where people usually went on days off, you drove with Tokoyami to a secluded beach in the countryside. 

This beach in particular was rockier than the city beach was and Tokoyami seemed to be enjoying watching the seagulls perch on the many rocks surrounding the beach. However, he didn't particularly enjoy going in the water so having a picnic instead was his idea.

He rolled out the blanket, propped up the small red umbrella for you two to sit under, and he got out the food. First you two devoured the small sandwiches, then the grapes, and finally two warm chocolate chip cookies were eaten with gusto.

"Oh Fumikage...this is so fun!" you exclaimed, once you were finished with your cookie. "I'm really glad we did this." Tokoyami nodded with a small smile, his bright red eyes focused on the calm ocean waves that were slowly reaching to were you two were sitting. You reached over to hold his hand, your lips curling into a sly smile. "You know what would make this more fun Fumi?"

"What?" Tokoyami asked, his eyes becoming wider with what looked like excitement.

"You...and the water!!" you exclaimed happily, grabbing him by the shoulders, hoisting him up in the air, and resting him onto your shoulders. It was easy to lift him up thanks to all of the hero training you had endured throughout the years! He squawked in surprise at your actions but he quickly regained his composure...or what little he he had left of it.

"Oi y/n! D-Do you know what you're doing? D-Dark Shadow could go out of control if he gets wet!!"

"Uh-huh, I don't think that's how your quirk works babe, plus he's still inside your body so there's no way he could get wet." you replied in a sing song voice. Tokoyami struggled harder but it was too late...the ocean waves were already reaching your feet. "Alright here we go!!"

Tokoyami clenched his eyes shut and awaited his cruel fate at the hands of the ocean but instead you gently lowered him into the water feet first. He slowly opened his eyes, surprised that he wasn't completely submerged in the water right now. "U-Um y/n?"

"Hmm? What?" you said, letting him go so he could stand on his own. "Did you think I would just throw you in...I'm not that mean you know."

Tokoyami chuckled nervously and shook his head. "S-Sorry I must've misunderstood the situation. This isn't so bad actually." He tentatively picked up his foot and slammed it back down, creating a small splash. You laughed at him and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 

"I'm glad you're happy Fumi...I love you." you said with a bright smile. You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, relishing the way his red eyes softened when you did so.

"The ocean isn't such a dark place after all."

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