Todoroki Shoto x Reader: It's Fine

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It's been a while since I've written for the IcyHot boi! Cute fluffy request for the reader helping Todoroki de-stress. Enjoy!

Today was especially warm. The warmest day since winter had started to end and spring had begun. But despite the nice weather, it was still one of those days that no one felt like doing anything. It should have been a stress-free day but unfortunately, Todoroki was not having the most relaxing day.

The minute he woke up and went to get breakfast his dad took it upon himself to make some snide comments about what being a "proper hero" would involve for Todoroki once he was graduated from U.A. High. Being lectured on hero ethics by someone like his dad was not a good way to start the day. Todoroki became so enraged by the hypocrisy in front of him that he left the house to cool off.

The more he thought about his dad, the angrier he got and by the time he took out his phone to text you his hands were shaking like earthquake tremors. 

He needed to see you right now. If anyone could calm him down, you were the one person who could succeed.


When you got a text from Todoroki, you were happy at first even though you were still in your pajamas and not exactly ready to see him. But since it was the weekend you had been wondering if he wanted to hang out with you, maybe even go on a date. But you became concerned when you read his message.

Todoroki <3: Is it ok if I see you now? At your house?

You raised an eyebrow and sent him a text saying 'alright sounds good.' He rarely invited himself over to your place unless he needed to get out of his house. Something must have happened.

"I hope he's ok." You said to yourself. It only took a few minutes for Todoroki to get to your house so you did not have enough time to get ready.

He'll just have to accept me and my pajamas, you thought when you went to go open the door for him. You turned the doorknob and let in some of the warm spring air, along with Todoroki who rushed inside like he was being chased. "S-Sho--?"

His arms wrapped around your body, holding you close in a tight hug. You paused in surprise, your hands hovering over his back before you hugged him back and sighed into his shoulder. "Shoto...what's wrong?"

"I-I'll tell you later...just hold me for a bit."

"Alright, ok." You said, keeping your hands on his back. You two stayed like that for a few quiet minutes until you offered to move to the couch. "Let's lie down for a little bit. Ok?"

"Sure." He replied. The two of you walked hand in hand to the couch and you did a comfortable side lean on the couch and patted the space near you for Todoroki. He practically collapsed into your welcoming arms. You ran your hands through his hair in soothing slow motions and kissed the top of his head.

"Shoto, everything's going to be alright. I...can kind of guess what's wrong so just stay here as long as you need to. Ok?"

"Ok." He replied and you left it at that. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up in a quiet voice. "Y/n, I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself." He sighed. "My dad just got on my nerves this morning and I stormed out of there without thinking. And now I'm intruding on your time like an ass."

You paused, thinking about what you were going to say very carefully. "You're not intruding on anything, I offered to help. And you know it's pretty hard having to control your emotions all the time, especially with someone like Endeavor. I don't think you're just feeling sorry for yourself, because what you're feeling now is normal."

Todoroki shifted slightly in his spot and you continued. "You're allowed to feel sad and frustrated and angry with your dad. You're allowed to feel anything you want to. It's fine. Look at me Shoto."

His mismatched eyes looked up at you, staring at you with rare vulnerability. You cupped the scarred side of his face and smiled. You were the only one he let touch his scar. "You might not be ready to say this but I am. I love you Shoto, I really do. And I'll be here for you...always."

"Y/n...thank you." He said before going quiet. You closed your eyes and rested your head on the armrest of the couch. Then he spoke. "I love you too y/n. I'll be there for you too whenever you need me."

You popped open one eye lazily and ran your fingers through his soft hair. "Well, today's your day Shoto. What do you want to do?"

"Just stay like this." He replied with a sigh.

"Sounds good." You said, closing your eyes once more and relaxing totally. In no time, Todoroki had fallen asleep in your arms. You wondered how long he was going to stay like this for, and whether or not he was going to stay for dinner. But damn did he look cute while sleeping! His mouth was slightly open and his steady breathing slowly began to lull you to sleep as well.

When you started to drift off to sleep you smiled and thought that this was really nice. You did not expect to spend today like this, going to sleep in your boyfriend's arms, but it is not like you were complaining. As long as Todoroki felt better, you would stay like this for as long as he needed you to. 


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